Re: Recommendation for device to restore brain functionprevent effects of ageing on brain
Hopefully this message can be a response to both you guys.
I'm a CFS/CFIDs sufferer and
last oct. i came back to a high altitude desert after living at sea level for 3 months. It was the worst I had remembered feeling in a long time. No matter how much water I drank i'd feel dehydrated, my whole body was in pain and discomfort, intense brainfog.
My symptoms were getting worse every day so I went to see my alt. health practitioner to have a live blood analysis.
His results were just what I suspected intense dehydration and poor circulation in my blood cells, they were stuck together as if they had static electricity.
He had just gotten in a new micro-current device...i forgot the name of it but its not the one I use now anyway. and told me it might help with my allergies, figured what the heck i'll give it a try.
I hooked the pads up to my feet and within 10minutes I felt a cooling/hydrating sensation throughout my arms, and ATP energy building all the way up to my chest/heart, This is some what of a miracle because sensations of ATP energy are not something you have when suffering from CFS. I've only ever had this when taking liposomal vitamin C. another miracle product. (although it wasn't saving me from my current misery)
I called in my doc and told him he needed to check my blood again this thing was fixing me, he said impossible it cant work that fast (he was new to micro-currents). I convinced him that it was so he checked it again. He was astounded my blood cells were now hydrated and flowing with what looked to be a 90% improvement. brain flog was clearing and I had energy for the next 5 hours.
Nothing short of a miracal, I went home and found this device online
and promptly purchased can find the unit for cheaper prices around the net.
I've been getting the same results on it. I've even hooked it up to my head and have had noticed HUGE effects of brain wave entraining. ( BE CAREFUL WITH THAT THOUGH MAKE SURE THE DEVICE YOUR USING IS MEANT FOR THAT the microII is not, however if you know what your doing with it you might be able to get some beneficial brain results from it)
So after it worked so well on me i've since tried it on others and have had the same miraculous effects with decresed pain and perhaps most amazing at all my friend with a half dead arm.
His broke his arm 5 years ago destroying the motor nerve. His arm is almost completely atrophied and can only get like 30%usage /movement out of it...hardly any cirulation at all.
He put the microII on it and within 10minutes full circulation returned and after continued usage he's starting to regain some movement.
I've also started the Beck Protocol and am convinced its going to cure my CFIDS.
I think micro-current technology is going to make western medicine obsolete and should be the focus of 80% of this website....who knows maybe one day it will