7 cycles completed but no obvious symptoms
Last weekend I completed cycle # 7 of Cutler protocol and I have yet to experience any of the kinds of obvious symptoms that I expected after reading most of the posts at ONIBASU.
I've come up with a handfull of reasons why I have not experienced any of the " ... if scary things happen..." kind of symptoms that Cutler warns about.
- there is no significant store of Mercury in my body/brain
- the protocol does not work for me
- I have faulty DMSA and ALA
- I do not know how to recognize the kind of symptoms I've been expecting but not experiencing
The first is simply not supported by my history. Between late 2004 and mid 2005 I had 14
Amalgams removed, most of which were well over 25 years old. I also had 4 mercury-filled, root-canaled crowns extracted....ergo, I have plenty of mercury somewhere inside me, probably locked up unless my body found a way to get rid of most if it without my knowledge. As for the protocol or my supplements not working, I do not know how to account for these either way but the thought did come to me that maybe this is what I'm up against, so it seemed worth mentioning. I've been keeping a journal ever since starting cycle 1 and since reviewing it recently I'm starting to get the idea that perhaps the symptoms Cutler warns about may NOT be obvious to recognize for every body from one person to the next.
For the record, each cycle ran from Saturday morning through Monday evenning, dosing every 3 hours. The first 3 cycles were DMSA only. I began conservative and did 12.5 mgs for the first two cycles. The only thing close to an obvious symptom was mild headache so I bumped up to 25mg for cycle 3. I then took a few weekends off due to holiday schedule, then resumed the same timing and dosing schedule for a 4th cyle. The following weekend I then added ALA to the protocol, also conservative, at 12.5mg. I then got bogged down in another holiday break during which I came down with a pretty nasty cold that took a good 2 weeks to get rid of the worst sypmtoms and a third week to get rid of lingering symptoms. At that time I did not associate the onset of this cold as a symptom of chelation but now that I'm reviewing the situation, I do have some doubts. Anyway, I got back on schedule after Christmas and did cycle 5 at 25mg DMSA and 12.5 mg ALA. The following week I did 25 mg and 25 mg. The following week ( this most recent weekend past ) I did 25 mg DMSA and 50 mg ALA. Also note that I developed conjunctivitis in the one eye betwene cycle 5 and 6. I self treated that and it went away within a week. At that time I did not associate the eye problem as a result of chelation.
Today I started showing signs of conjunctivitis in the other eye. This is when I started to wonder if this was a random illness versus one brought on by chelation. I've also been having some weird arthritic issues/pain in joints that seemed to have onset since beginning chelation which I did not originally associate with chelation. I'm middle aged and have lots of places on my body that ache which I just take as part of getting older, and many of these I had before starting chelation, so when I collected some new aches and pains I did not immediately suspect chelation as the cause....but now I wonder.
Obviously I now have a list of maladies recently experienced that I did not associate with chelation. I still don't know that they are related but the number of these " out of the blue " maladies during the same basic period of time does give me reason to wonder. Other than that / these, I have not had any problem with "scary things happening", no brain fog mild or severe, no other major symptoms that I noticed.
Looking for feedback, especially from people who've already been throug the Cutler protocol.