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Re: Advice appreciated! Im 9 days or so into my 1st hw cleanse

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

fledgling Views: 1,321
Published: 13 y
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Re: Advice appreciated! Im 9 days or so into my 1st hw cleanse

Hi, Jack.

There are thousands of kinds of parasites, and all of them have their own peculiarities and patterns.

Besides, we are contracting new 'critters' every day.

Many bounce right off due to the strength of our immune systems...others get a foothold, which may 'show' early on, or not for years.

Strongyloides are only 1/10 of an inch long, for example, and other roundworms are 2, 5, or 7 inches long. Some kinds of tapeworms are about 2 inches long, while others are many feet.

My best guess at being and becoming well is to eat, sleep, and think as well as you can, and to do two rounds of Humaworm per year...forever.

My experience was to have a stroke July 15, 2009. I reduced my smoking, dramatically, about a month before. I don't know if the two events are connected, but, when I told a lady who 'knows' that I felt so silly when the ambulance people found me sitting in the middle of the living room floor, with my pants down, that I laughed...she told me that I saved myself some damage.

Since then I've found that many things help. Humaworm is basic. So are enzymes in our food...which is why we have to get machines off our growing soils. They kill the microorganisms in the soil which are fundemental to the health of the planet.

And, we have to stop all the poisons we spew everywhere. I am so glad to see Coca Cola donate to the ecology of the North. Apparently the mercury which is used to manufacture the high fructose corn syrup basic to Coke, goes into the air and travels to the poles, where it comes out of the polar bears' fur, etc.

I have a mouthful of mercury amalgam fillings...when I was 18 I had never had a tooth cavity, Now my body has shown me what it can do with a good diet.

I am 73 years old, and learning. Just this last Sunday I found the feeling returning to the three central toes on my affected leg. The other foot's toes are still somewhat numb since a doctor tried to convince me to be a diabetic.

There is nothing wrong with my pancreas!

I took all the meds hospital prescribed (except Warfarin), for three months, like clockwork.

They didn't help.

Now I take nothing. I figure that there are thousands of people who have sugar diabetes and don't know it, so I rejoined them. I am unafraid.

I simply keep away from processed 'food' products.

I have lots of opinions, Jack...but I try to keep them to myself, especially here. This forum is R.G.'s life work.

He should have the say on what is posted here.

He has been very generous in allowing us to state our other opinions, but we shouldn't tread too heavily on his toes.

Read his posts, right from the beginning of this forum, for an education like no other.

Great good fortune on your journey, Jack.



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