Re: it appears that SOMA has arrived at last! /s
"Two psychological difficulties which seem to come up for those who use Ketamine regularly are paranoia and egocentrism. There are many reports of regular users starting to see patterns and coincidences (synchronicities) in the world around them which seem to indicate that they are somehow more important or integral to the world than others. This same sense of the world focusing on the user can also feed into a sense of paranoia. A main characteristic of Ketamine is a stupor similar to extreme drunkenness. This is commonly known as "being in the K-hole."
Hallucinations- it blocks chemical messengers in the brain that carry sensory input; the brain fills the resulting void with visions, dreams, or memories.
•visual distortions
•lost sense of time, senses, and identity
•smells and tastes seem muted
•visual perception and sense of touch are amplified
•may feel 'floaty' - slightly or far away from your body
•numbness in your extremities
•k hole - comparatively similar to a near death experience, with the sensation of rising above one's body, inner peace, and radiant light