13 y
what could this be ?
I recently met this guy and we started dating and we had sex a few weeks later . I gave him oral as he did me as well as regular sex in the vagina. 3 days later I came down with some sort of throat infection that has lingered on for 4 weeks now. ended up going to the doc and she gave me
Antibiotics and said my throat was red . we a about a week or so ago I noticed that my vagina was burning and itching and has been irritated ever since.
I just had my pap smear and check up a month before so I know its not me . but could I possibly have caught this from him ? and what is it ? I have looked up gonnorea and chlymidia but havent came up with anything like my symptoms . the throat infection has affected my vocal chords .I cant sing .something I love to do . the more I talk the more raspy my voice gets at times. or when I am exposed to cold air .
I have never had anything like this in my life and especially to affect my vocal chords like that . does anyone know what this could be ? I was put on amoxicillin but it doesnt seem to be working for my throat .so I am not sure what I need to do now other than maybe go to the health dept to get myself checked out again.
I had been with the same guy for 8 yrs prior to this relationship and totally monogomus and never had any problems .
thanks in advance