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Re: Still sleepy! :(
TiffanyJoan Views: 2,639
Published: 13 y
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Re: Still sleepy! :(

Ok, so being that I have dealt with chronic fatigue for years and I am used to a lifestyle built around it...knowing what I know about Iodine and erading what i have read about others who regain energy...I will stick it out.
A question though. Does anyone think it is a good idea to exercise thru the fatigue? As a person with fibro and cfs, doctors say to exercise to feel better, then there r some who say not to push it because of PEM (post-exercise malaise). PEM has been a real event for me this last year or two. I could go straight to bed for a couple of days after a rigorous workout and my brain fog was worse and IBS acted up.
Since I am thinking fibro is more related to thyroid, in which most with hypo have PEM as that light, is working out safe while being so tired? Even just a walk or jog? Or do u recommend complete rest? I don't want to over-tax my poor adrenals since I'm sure theyare already probably shot.


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