"Since the Rively-Gunderson annulment, Gunderson has had a team of agents working to discredit anyone who dared mention his relationship with Rively, or Temple of Set founder, Michael Aquino--a most incriminating fact evidenced widely over the Internet.
The CIA agents involved with Gunderson, covering-up his marriage, filtering government corruption stories, and harassing, threatening, and discrediting journalists investigating his links to the satanic network, include: convicted felon Timothy Patrick White, "Dr. True Ott," Greg Szymanski, Eric John Phelps / Craig Oxley, Doug Millar, Don Nicoloff, Ken Adachi, Todd Fahey, and Anthony Hilder.
Hilder allegedly retired from the CIA to produce low-budget poor-quality films that have discredited several
Conspiracy stories and their analysts, as per the agency's intent."
Sherri Kane and Leonard G. Horowitz
Los Angeles--Shocking proof has surfaced to indict a former FBI Division 5 director for lying about his marriage to Church of Satan heiress, Diana Rively, Anton LaVey's ex-wife, to keep a secret child-trafficking sex-slavery network hidden.
The revealing document threatens to shake-up the Justice Department with many questions as to why the FBI, working with the CIA, has been unable to stop a network of child traffickers from kidnapping, raping, and sexually enslaving hundreds, possibly thousands, of American children annually.
In the handwritten letter, recovered from 1998, Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI/CIA official and informant on matters of a satanic network of pedophiles and child traffickers wrote, "The marriage [to Diana Rively] . . . didn't work out. It only lasted 2 and one half weeks and I left. It would have been a catastrophe to stay there. Nothing against DIana."
The letter, signed with kisses and hugs, was sent to Gunderson's professional associate, Barbara Hartwell, who was programmed to serve in the CIA's psychological operations unit. She trained in psychological profiling and in debriefing military and intelligence personnel, and later toured with Gunderson to "disseminate intelligence on government corruption," according to Hartwell. Their assignments included a child-trafficking operation linked to officials of the CIA, U.S. military, Church of Satan, and Justice Department.
The stunning admission and letter raises several scandalous questions, including why mind-control inductees are assigned to operate as enemies of State, even embracing satanism, to disseminate indicting intelligence on U.S. government corruption on behalf of the CIA?
One reason involves undermining "dissident activism" by generating "controlled opposition." Fake dissidents provide cover for criminal operations, and deter real grassroots activism from sparking revolutions.
Another explanation involves globalization, and propaganda intended to undermine nationalism to embrace governance through the United Nations.
Hartwell and Gunderson toured with alleged CIA mind control victim sex slave, Brice Taylor, who's celebrity is widely known among American patriot and Christian fundamentalist groups. One researcher among them, Robert Sterling, discerned "a deeper conspiracy" operating here.
Photo shows murdered child, Jon Benet Ramsey, resembling MKULTRA sex slave, Brice Taylor. Experts say pedophile satanists prefer their victims to appear innocent and doll-like due to their "dominant/submissive perversion complex" generated, likewise, from early sexua| abuse.
Sterling concluded, "The most effective form of disinformation is that which blurs the truth with fiction so effectively that they become impossible to differentiate." He noted that at the time Taylor, and other alleged victims of the CIA's Project Monarch MKULTRA sex slavery operation, such as Cathy O'Brien, hit the lecture circuit, "some powerful research was starting to circulate in alternative circles involving Satanic pedophilia operations."*
Letter Links Gunderson to the Church of Satan
Gunderson's letter, citing his marriage to Rively, helps clarify a criminal
Conspiracy responsible for censoring the actual number of abductions that experts put annually in the tens of thousands.
The letter compels investigations of two satanic churches and the FBI and CIA, the agencies supposedly gathering intelligence on kidnappings to arrest villains. In addition, officials in Congress, the White House, and even the Vatican, concerned about criminal exposures and embarrassing publicity over matters of pedophilia, are susceptible to additional investigations compelled by the letter.
The letter proves Gunderson lied about his marriage to "Diana," and confirms what many independent investigators determined--Gunderson secreted his relationships with satanic church officials, evidencing a double agent assignment.
More CIA/FBI Officials Linked by Letter
Over the years, Gunderson, a high profile CIA/FBI official, had been harshly criticized for lamely addressing pedophila, sex slavery, and "The Franklin Cover-up" involving Nebraska Senator John DeCamp, politicians, and Catholic priests. As FBI, Division 5, Director, Gunderson gathered intelligence on the satanic network that involved members of the Church of Satan, Temple of Set, the CIA, FBI, judges, prosecutors, politicians, and other clients acquiring sex slaves he failed to disclose publicly, or pursue through internal affairs.
Many conscientious objectors, including Hartwell, charged Gunderson with protecting his superiors and the network.
Gunderson, however, had repeatedly denied allegations of his marriage to the Church of Satan heiress, sorceress, and high priestess, Diana Rively (a.k.a., Diana Hegarty). The revelation would have devastated his career, generated domestic outrage, and possibly risked national security. Imagine the public learning their presidents acquired kidnapped satanically-trained sex slaves through the FBI and CIA.
Two years after the letter was written, Gunderson, and a half dozen agents, began to harass, libel, and threaten Hartwell for speaking out about Gunderson's "anonymous sources," including relationships with officials linked to satanic churches and international pedophilia and child trafficking networks.
A Marriage Too Hot to Handle
Gunderson's marriage to Rively was taboo, since she edited The Satanic Bible, Satanic Rituals, The Complete Witch and The Devil's Notebook while married to Anton LeVay.
Since the Rively-Gunderson annulment, Gunderson has had a team of agents working to discredit anyone who dared mention his relationship with Rively, or Temple of Set founder, Michael Aquino--a most incriminating fact evidenced widely over the Internet.
The CIA agents involved with Gunderson, covering-up his marriage, filtering government corruption stories, and harassing, threatening, and discrediting journalists investigating his links to the satanic network, include: convicted felon Timothy Patrick White, "Dr. True Ott," Greg Szymanski, Eric John Phelps / Craig Oxley, Doug Millar, Don Nicoloff, Ken Adachi, Todd Fahey, and Anthony Hilder.
Hilder allegedly retired from the CIA to produce low-budget poor-quality films that have discredited several
Conspiracy stories and their analysts, as per the agency's intent.
Doug Millar, claimed by Gunderson to be "the nation's expert on Aquino," and his Temple of Set, likewise discredits himself, and Gunderson too, by writing aimlessly about Gunderson's targets. A good example is his "review of Michael Aquino's letter to Ted Gunderson," that Ott posted on his "" website, including White's limp rebuke of Hartwell. The confusing dribble captiIates suc***s only, as intended.
Millar defamed Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the co-author of this report, at a Conspiracy Conference in 2010, falsely accusing him of being knighted by the Pope, even though Millar knew that his collaborators, Szymanski and Ott, had sourced the false claim, and a fraudulent Knights of Malta list upon which the allegation was based.
If, according to Gunderson and his agents, Aquino and his satanic church is public enemy number one, then Aquino's history, actions, and connections are keys to determining what is happening to America's abducted children, and even the dysfunction within the Department of Justice (DoJ). But Aquino's indictment has remained grossly neglected by Gunderson, several prosecutors and courts, and Gunderson's band of secret agents.
This is why double-agency propaganda is the only way to reconcile the weak, conflicting, and confusing exposures Aquino has received from Gunderson's group, DoJ officials, and the mainstream media.
Geraldo Rivera Interviews Gunderson and Aquino
Michael Aquino appeared with Gunderson on NBC's Geraldo in 1989, when Gunderson contradicted himself, lamely excused police and FBI officials for doing nothing about the satanic child trafficking network, and made extremely nervous eye movements that experts say evidences lying.
Viewed in retrospect as a propaganda piece, Gunderson and Aquino play "good cop/bad cop" to muddle the horrifying facts, and cover-up the organized crime network.
Rivera asked Gunderson, "Is there a network of satanic murderers in this country?"
Gunderson replied, "I cannot say that there is a network of satanic murderers."
Then he contradicted himself:
"I can say that based on information furnished to me by confidential sources and informants, based on interviews with dozens of survivors from the satanic operations through the years, satanic beliefs, etc,. I can say that there is a network of these people across the country who are very active. They have their own rest and relaxation farm, they are in contact with each other. It ties in loosely with the drug operation, it ties into motorcycle gangs, and it goes on and on. They have their own people who specialize in surveillances, photography, and assassinations."
Later in the show, Geraldo questioned Gunderson, "Do you believe sir, that these dreadful allegations of babies being sacrificed are true?"
Gunderson returned, "I absolutely believe it, without any doubt, based on the information that's been given to me across the country by numerous survivors and by confidential sources and informants."
The "Good Cop/Bad Cop" Scam
Aquino then discredited Gunderson by playing the "bad cop." In the CIA, the Temple of Set founder is actually Gunderson's MKULTRA boss.
Aquino berated Gunderson, "Then why don't you name these people and arrest them. Never a name. Never an arrest. These woman come out of a group, and they insist that they know the people in the group, and yet they do not identify these large mysterious cults. Name them, and arrest them, and get them off the street."
Aquino was costumed to look like a cartoon character in devil's attire. He was immediately and subliminally discredited, even though he asked crucial common sense questions.
The staged broadcast was a mind-trip for public deception. Geraldo, allegedly neutral, turned to Gunderson and asked, "Does he [Aquino] not make a valid point?"
Gunderson responded with a bunch of silly excuses. "He makes a valid point. The problem with that is number one, police officers don't believe it, I may believe it. You may believe it, and some people in your audience may believe it. They don't believe it."
Gunderson's statement was ridiculous, given his FBI director's job required oversight of nearly 700 personnel, each of whom required professional training to follow his orders.
Gunderson continued, ". . . If you decide to investigate these people, you have to number one, handle it from an undercover operation. If you put an undercover operation into effect, then you have in a sense your own police officers becoming involved in these heinous crimes, and they of course become murderers. And in addition to that, if you decide to investigate these people, that's a lot of work, and many law enforcement officers are apathetic and don't want to get involved."
This, too, violates common sense, television, film, and law enforcement, wherein federal agents and spooks go undercover routinely to safely and effectively investigate, indict, and jail criminals.
New Evidence the "Franklin Cover-up" Was A CIA Black-op
Gunderson's letter sparks new interest in his reported links to Church of Satan/Temple of Set official Aquino, who is widely feared as America's Joseph Goebbels--the leading propagandist for the U.S. Army, and a psychological warfare expert working for the CIA.
Aquino broke from Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey in 1975 to establish the Temple of Set, linked by solid evidence to The Church of Scientology and the U.S. Army. At the time, Aquino was a Lt. Colonel in the Army, stationed at San Francisco's Presidio. He was identified by several children among more than sixty victims of pedophilia, vaginal sex, sodomy, and oral copulation, but was inexplicably acquitted.
In advancing the Temple of Set, Aquino attracted nearly thirty Church of Satan members and officials including Diana Rively's daughter, briefly Gunderson's daughter-in-law, Zeena LaVey.
On April 30, 1990, Zeena formally denounced her ties to father Anton, after the Church of Satan leader set her up to be sexually molested by a recognized stalker. Zeena then pledged her allegiance to Aquino and his Temple of Set.
Freelance writer Jeffrey Steinberg covered the story about satanism and pedophilia in the U.S. military during the infamous "Franklin Cover-up" case heard by the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska. During its February 5, 1999, hearing, "Paul Bonacci claimed that he had been ritualistically abused by Lawrence E. King, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington, and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment."
"On February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci's attorney, John DeCamp, said was a clear signal that 'the evidence presented was credible,'" Steinberg reported
John DeCamp's CIA Service in the Army
John DeCamp, author of the Franklin Cover-up, is a Gunderson ally, former Henry Kissinger/William Colby subordinate, and a retired Nebraska Senator. Like Aquino and Gunderson, DeCamp worked for the CIA. The U.S. Army assigned DeCamp to serve Colby, the Director of Central Intelligence, during the Nixon era. Colby, with DeCamp, ran the Phoenix Program that involved assassinations and torture.
As the Vietnam War was winding down, with dissidents on the rise, and the media devastating public confidence in government and the military, Aquino and Colby, assisted by DeCamp, refined psychological warfare black ops for "The Company," especially leveraging the media for controlling opposition.
Their new form of media manipulation for mass mind control advanced the top secret MKULTRA program. The Vietnam War brought horrific bloodshed into people's living rooms for the first time. Aquino and Company realized that to sedate public opinion and win propaganda wars, the media had to be leveraged to "spin" stories, minimizing horrors and discrediting opposition.
Given this new information, it is obvious the 1999 case in the "Boys Town" State was a "Franklin Double Cover-up"--a black-op, or side show, directed by The Company to camouflage or minimize more widespread crimes against children, but leave the impression that the Justice Department operates effectively.
The proceedings and story was controlled nearly as well as Aquino's conduct and bad press throughout his long criminal career as the CIA/MKULTRA/Church of Satan/Temple of Set director.
"This is a lesson in how the CIA/FBI's counter-intelligence program (i.e., COINTELPRO) operates to control opposition, and is the only way to reconcile Gunderson's and his group's behavior--lamely protesting government corruption, while limply indicting the Illuminati, the CIA, and Aquino's satanic child-trafficking network," said Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard trained behavioral
Science expert, libeled by Gunderson's agents across the Internet. (CLICK HERE to read Side Bar #1 explaining how and why Horowitz and Kane chose to investigate Gunderson following the assassination of Edward Harle (a.k.a., Chistopher Story), a Bush family nemesis and world leading financial industries whistleblower.)
"This illustrates how modern propagandists serve to confuse people, discrediting all sources of intelligence, to generate general apathy. This is precisely how Gunderson--a professional mind-controlled disinformation agent, hypnotized to feign activism and spread government hate--infiltrated the grassroots with his team of agents to generate fear, controversy, and apathy, thus securing the CIA's entire rogue operation that is kidnapping and killing children," Dr. Horowitz concluded
Controlled Opposition: The Primary Propaganda Ploy
It can now be seen that the utility of the Franklin Double Cover-up was to create and control opposition to pedophilia, sex slavery, and child-trafficking. The case served to localize and minimize the widespread child trafficking operation. It was a decoy that purposely fell short of exposing the widespread network of pedophiles, its criminal administrators, and the CIA/FBI's black-op scheme providing propaganda cover for the entire operation.
A more recent example came from a West Hawaii Today (April 21, 2011) feature story. It read, "Two W. Hawaii farms named in human trafficking suit." The article concerned two farms that were named in a lawsuit by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for abusing 200 Thai men.
"What about the thousands of abducted children disappearing every year?" co-author Kane asked. "The CIA-controlled mainstream media generates its own controlled opposition. 200 men get attention in Hawaii. DeCamp's cover-up in Nebraska gets attention. But not Aquino's involvements in the national child-trafficking network that is abducting thousands of children annually."
The Gang Behind Johnny Gosch's Kidnapping
Noreen Gosch, mother of famous abductee Johnny Gosch, gave sworn testimony linking the CIA's Aquino to the national network of pedophiles neglected by the FBI.
The Justice Department touts its collection of data on missing children, and the FBI's forensic lab reports administered by, believe it or not, Target stores.
Incredibly, besides serving FBI forensics, Target co-owns the "LifeTouch" Company that publishes all public school yearbooks, providing a virtual menu of children for pedophiles, CIA/FBI agents inclUded, and the sex slavery ring targeting youngsters.
This FBI/Target/LifeTouch operation additionally evidences the Justice Department's gross neglect of conflicting interests, abductee data analysis, and reasonable intervention by internal affairs, all of which strongly suggests higher level CIA involvement in extremely well organized crimes against America's families and children.
The Court learned that Johnny Gosch disappeared in 1982 while delivering newspapers. Kept from the Court, however, was a photograph of Johnny, allegedly standing near George H.W. Bush.
The photo's source was Gunderson's crony, Timothy Patrick White. Gunderson's team circulated the photo claiming Bush was the network's sex slave client. The trouble is, White is a convicted felon, and the web's leading rogue CIA agent provocateur. So no one believes him, or by association, the legitimacy of the photo. The story is generally dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Mission accomplished.
Noreen Gosch testified in DeCamp's case that the satanic pedophile network, "was an offshoot of . . . [t]he MKULTRA program . . . developed in the 1950s by the CIA. . . . There was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. . . . He was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexua| abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children."
Where is the American "free press" when you need it? Censored by the CIA and payoffs from organized crime.
Johnny Gosch or Jeffrey Gannon: The CIA's Plame Scandal
Evidence issued by the mainstream media, including the New York Times and MSNBC, indicates Jeff Gannon (a.k.a., Jeff Guckert, James Guckert, and "Bull Dog")--identifying a gay p 0 r n "military stud" in the White House--served George H.W. Bush and Republican officials by administering a fake story and news agency that leaked the identity of CIA-agent Valerie Plame. The CIA scandal that compromised her career began when Plame's husband, U.S. Diplomat Joseph C. Wilson, embarrassed Bush by discrediting his claims Iraq had developed nuclear weapons. The leak appears to have been a payback.
A glaring hypocrisy in this story grossly neglected by the media is that Republicans opposing gay marriage, and homosexuals serving in the military, delegated their dirty tricks to the gay p 0 r n site entrepreneur supposedly named Gannon, that could be Johnny Gosch.
"The unqualified [Gannon] was so much a part of the White House Press Corps," wrote Wayne Besen, author of the book,
Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, "he reportedly was given a classified CIA memo that outed Plame."
"You've got to hand it to this [Bush] White House," Besen concluded. "When they couldn't get the media to buy their spin, they bought the media. Now, when they couldn't get the media hook they desired, they simply got a hooker."
Hooker Gannon, however, as reported by MSNBC, may be Johnny Gosch, although a DNA test, unlikely forthcoming, is required to prove it.
Sherman Skolnick, who exposed bribery within the Illinois court system in the late 1960s, in a corruption scandal that led to the indictment of former Gov. Otto Kerner, posted intelligence provided by his reputable group of investigators who had been tracking "the operation of the male prostitution ring in Omaha (Boys Town), Chicago, and the District of Colombia." (See:, Feb. 28, 2005.) He wrote that Gannon/Gosch was an "expert penetration agent" compiling scandalous sex data on U.S. and foreign governmental officials.
For example, Skolnick reported, fourteen members of the House and Senate used the Gannon/Gosch "whorehouse service" with at least two members of the Federal Reserve Board. Congressional members, mostly Republicans, and George Bush, Sr., administered these affairs to secure loyalties, according to Skulnick's sources.
Evidence Linking Johnny Gosch to Jeffrey Gannon is Muddled by the CIA for Bush and Satanic Network Protection
Despite confusion over the identities and activities of Gosch and Gannon, both stories feature CIA sex trafficking scandals with stories that were certifiably "planted" by Gunderson's group of MKULTRA propagandists, implicating Aquino, DeCamp, and the Bush family and others.
Despite being the world's leading experts on Gosch and the child trafficking network that disappeared him, Gunderson neglected using the mainstream media attention the Valerie Plame Affair brought, as an opportunity to expose these horrific satanic pedophilia crimes. Gunderson and his agents instead avoided Plame's compromise by Gannon like a plague. Their rantings exclusively focused on confirming and heralding, as though celebrating, the supposed Gosch/Gannon single identity without DNA testing or definite confirmation. More muddling of the scandal resulted.
Gunderson in a rare mention of Plame, nearly slipped, but caught himself, in stating that the leaked document came from Bush. Gunderson said, ". . . her husband made an uncomplimentary remark about George Bush and that Bush gave, --exposed these people through Jeff Gannon, . . ." The broken statement was made to talk show host, Alex Merklinger (March 8, 2005). Provides Platform for Propagandists
Two other Gunderson aides, Symanski and White, contributed to the speculation, falsely claiming confirmation, of the single Gosch/Gannon identity. Szymanski, the CIA/FBI forger cited earlier, issued through a lengthy ridiculous tale of David Johnson-Holm's abuse by his kidnappers. David, Gosch's fellow abductee, is shown below in the photo next to Johnny.
Jeff Rense published Szymanski's embarrassingly poor writing, presented to discredit its author and content, while Rense has consistently rejected Kane and Horowitz's reports exposing these operatives and their COINTELPRO operations. (All other previous reports by Horowitz and Kane were posted immediately by Rense, whose limited censorship he attributed to his fear of retaliation by Gunderson's group of agents.)
Rense also published a coherent and well-edited statement by White (allegedly), authorized by Gunderson, claiming "100% Confirmation" that Gannon is Gosch. The trouble is, White has never written well, or coherently, anywhere on the Internet in dozens of postings. Add to this uncertainty of authorship, White's felony conviction, his participation in trafficking drugs and arms, his sourcing the Bush/Gosch photograph, his harassment and libel of these authors and others, plus Gunderson's "100% Confirmation" of the single Gosch/Gannon identity that was sourced anonymously, and the only certainty is this crime network's intention to sell fear, confusion, and discrediting information, to the public.
It appears certain that these FBI/CIA agents leaked these photos of their abductees as an intended form of terrorism
Filmmaker Thompson Kills Himself After Bonacci Claim
Besen also reported that the famous American journalist and rumored snuff filmaker, Hunter S. Thompson, shot himself hours after Bonacci revealed that Gannon was Johnny Gosch. Thompson is credited for creating "Gonzo Journalism"--a style of reporting where reporters involve themselves in the action to such a degree that they become central figures of their stories.
Bonacci was forced by the satanic child traffickers to rape Gosch, and participate in murder, homosexual pedophilia, and a necrophilic orgy. He testified in the Nebraska court that these actions were videotaped by "Hunter Thompson," at a location later identified as the Bohemian Grove. Hours after the Gosch/Gannon single identity announcement, Thompson typed the single word "COUNSELOR" on his typewriter, then shot himself in the head, according to police. The message conceivably references Counselor DeCamp, or even Massachusetts Senator, John Kerry, who attended Thompson's funeral.
John Kerry participated in Thompson’s "Fear and Loathing, Campaign 2004," Thompson's account of the road trip he took with Kerry during his presidential campaign. This was Thompson's final magazine feature.
The fraudulent doctored photo of Kerry with Church of Satan founder, Anton LaVey, shown above, is another example of how COINTELPRO creates and disseminates falsehoods to confuse everyone about everything. The fact that this forged photograph is a fraud does not encourage faith in Kerry. Quite the opposite. The action smacks of an intelligence operation to muddle matters implicating Kerry’s probable knowledge of, and/or involvement in, the satanic child trafficking network.
Child Abuse, the CIA, and the Origin of AIDS
Neglected intelligence on the use of mentally retarded children as guinea pigs in vaccine trials triggering HIV/AIDS in New York involves the CIA, Litton Bionetics, and the National Cancer Institute. CLICK HERE to read SIDE BAR #2 on this matter that also implicates Aquino, Colby, DeCamp and, by extension, Gunderson, whose aides targeted HIV/AIDS origin expert, Dr. Horowitz, for libel, defamation, and assassination.
More Aquino Criminality Neglected
Reporter Steinberg also noted that, "The U.S. Attorney in San Francisco handling the [Presidio's pedophilia] case was Joseph Russoniello. Russoniello would later be identified by reporter Gary Webb (of the San Jose Mercury News) as a player in the Contra cocaine smuggling operation led by Lt. Col. Oliver North and company."
According to Hartwell and others, Aquino, Gunderson, and White were, likewise, involved in the Iran Contra affair under Ronald Reagan, trading arms for drugs.
"In May 1989, Aquino was again questioned in connection with child abuse investigations," Steinberg continued. "[T]his time, at least five children in three cities were making the accusations. The children had seen Aquino in newspaper and television coverage of the Presidio case, and immediately recognized him as one of their abusers...
"Aquino was also identified by children in Santa Rosa and Fort Bragg, California. In the Fort Bragg case, 'allegations of ritual abuse erupted... in 1985 when several children at the Jubilation Day Care Center said they were sexually abused by a number of people at the day care center and at several locations away from the center, including at least two churches.' Aquino was identified as having been present at one of those churches...
"The Mercury News reported, 'by November, 1987 the Army had received allegations of child abuse at 15 of its day care centers and several elementary schools. There were also at least two cases in Air Force day care centers,' and another in a center run by the U.S. Navy.
"In addition, 'a special team of experts was sent to Panama [in June 1988] to help determine if as many as 10 children at a Department of Defense elementary school had been molested and possibly infected with AIDS.'
"Yet another case emerged in a U.S.-run facility in West Germany.
"These cases erupted at some of the country's most esteemed military bases, including Fort Dix, Fort Leavenworth, Fort Jackson, and West Point. Many of those making the accusations were career military officers who had devoted their lives to unquestioned allegiance to the U.S. armed forces. Many would resign their posts in outraged protest...
"The Mercury News [continued], 'by the end of the year, 50 children had been interviewed by investigators. Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the day care center and photographed.'
"Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite '950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation,' the investigation, 'led by former U.S. Attorney [and future mayor] Rudolph Giuliani' (of 9/11 infamy) produced 'no federal grand jury indictments,' according to the Herald Record..." (See Steinberg's full report HERE.)
Celebrities Abused As Activists Against Child Sex Slavery
As journalists have been turning up the heat on the international child trafficking network, Hollywood celebrities are providing more cover and controlled opposition for the CIA. Deceived fans believe that their stars are doing something substantive to deter sex slavery and pedophila.
Actors Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have started their own organization, called the Demi & Ashton Foundation (DNA.) Their international campaign message is, "Take A Stand Against Child Sex Slavery."
Instead of addressing the widespread problem--the international satanic network and its officials pulling the strings--the celebrities lamely address local pedophiles. DNA is asking, "Are You A Real Man?" "Do You Prefer A Real Man?"
The psychology and target of this message is idiotic, reconcilable only as controlled opposition. Someone should inform Moore and Kutcher that satanists don't give a damn about "real manhood." The Illuminati, superficially depicted in Eyes Wide Shut, relish their Bohemian Grove diet of human sacrifices, served on plates of Royal Copenhagen porcelain.
Moore and Kutcher's U
nited Nation's sponsor, David Rockefeller and company, means they are part of the problem of controlled opposition, needed by the CIA and Aquino to control opposition.
David Rockefeller is shown here with Benjamin Fulford who altered the last report of assassinated journalist Edward Harle (a.k.a., Christopher Story), attaching Szymanski's Knights of Malta forgery to extend the COINTELPRO assault on Horowitz, and implicate the doctor in Harle's murder.
Read more of this story by CLICKING HERE.
Alex Jones Also Involved in the Franklin Double Coverup
In a personal letter to Kane, Hartwell explained how Gunderson's reach extended to Alex Jones and Genesis Communications Network (GCN) officials. She learned this the hard way during an interview with Jeremy Floyd. While Floyd and Hartwell were broadcasting revelations about Gunderson and DeCamp, Jones called repeatedly to stop them.
The Floyd Report host complained, "This Ted Gunderson issue is so hot that Alex Jones called me 3 times in a 40 min period to get me to stop [interviewing Hartwell]."
Besides indicting Jones, Floyd wrote that Michael Trudeau, the Vice President of GCN, supported the censorship.
The day after the show, Hartwell wrote, "I exposed for the first time on radio . . . that John DeCamp was in fact involved in the pedophilia, child sex abuse, and blackmailing of politicians in the Franklin case. I confronted Ted Gunderson with what I knew in November, 1999 . . . and at that time Gunderson admitted to me that he knew of DeCamp's involvement. That was the beginning of the end of my association with Ted Gunderson, as I could not in good conscience continue to endorse him, or work with him."
In protesting her censors, Hartwell wrote that "Alex Jones has proven himself to be a liar, a bully, a false patriot, a scamster and a shill; not just to me, but to many others who have been targeted for Jones's censorship and intimidation tactics."
After Hartwell told listeners on the GCN broadcast with Floyd about Gunderson's marriage to Rively, Floyd claimed that Jones forbid him from ever communicating with Hartwell again. The next day Floyd quit working for Genesis.
Critics complain that Alex Jones continues to endorse Gunderson and DeCamp, despite knowing the larger truth about them pertaining to child trafficking, sex crimes, and ritual murders.
Other broadcasters have openly protested Gunderson's and Jones's power to suspend them on networks besides Genesis. These include Jeff Rense, broadcasting now on American Freedom Radio Network (AFRN), and Art Bell, previously with Premier Radio Network.
More Gunderson and Jones Dirty Dealings
Gunderson is widely known for having libeled Coast to Coast[AM] celebrity host, Art Bell, forcing his early retirement from broadcasting. Bell disclosed that on May 16,1997, his son was kidnapped and raped. The assailant was HIV positive. The pedophile was tried, convicted, and is now serving a life sentence.
But Gunderson, along with David Hinkson, the developer of WaterOz, who threatened to ruin Bell over an advertising fracas, then aired a broadcast that twisted Bell’s kidnapping, falsely claiming Art Bell had committed the molestation. Gunderson's hit squad further libeled Bell, claiming he had paid to cover up a criminal indictment, and urged listeners to call Bell "on air" to ask if he had been indicted. Bell retired shortly thereafter.
Hickson was later sentenced to 43 years in prison for numerous crimes, including a "murder-for-hire plot," and false labeling and advertising of WaterOz, his mineral product containing
Colloidal Silver .
A related fraud occurred in 2009 with Gunderson's agents increasing their attacks on Dr. Horowitz and his 528 resonating silver hydrosol--OxySilver. The doctor had been advertising OxySilver with Alex Jones, with Jones promising a program explaining 528Hz frequency and its revolutionary use in the hydrosol as an alternative to toxic
Antibiotics and deadly vaccines. Suddenly, at the height of the Swine Flu fright, the show was nixed, and 528 advertising for OxySilver was suspiciously
delayed for 5 weeks, during which time Jones's staff provided a series of unreasonable excuses.
Then Horowitz learned that Jones, famous for bashing government officials for genocide, had contracted to advertise Silver Sol, a competitor to OxySilver, produced by American Biotech Labs and Clifton Mining Company, on whose Board of Directors sat top medical officials in the Dept. of Homeland Security and FEMA.
Additional inquiries proved Jones's sponsors had committed consumer fraud, and even scientific fraud, by altering an electron micrograph for advertising to simulate Dr. Horowitz's research on 528Hz healing technology.
Gunderson's Infamy in the McMartin Crime Investigation
Gunderson showed up at a crime scene where pre-schoolers had been sexually abused by teachers at the McMartin Pre-School in Manhattan Beach, CA. He then befriended one of the mothers, Jackie McGauley, whose child had been molested.
McGauley claimed that Gunderson poisoned her. She got sick shortly after his arrival, and remained ill the entire time he was living with her.
In an open letter to Barbara Hartwell, McGauley wrote,"I was ill the entire time Gunderson was in my house. The first week I contracted a rare form of influenza called Psytocosis, then severe fatigue and pain. I once found a substance (like motor oil) in my wall heater and caught Ted putting eyedroppers full of an unknown substance in my coffee."
Jackie McGauley is not the only one who reported life-threatening experiences with Gunderson. Others, mostly woman, came forward over the years to charge Gunderson with various offenses, including an attempted murder, reported by investigative journalist, Janet Phelan.
According to Phelan, "Gunderson deployed chemical assassination weapons against [her]." CLICK HERE to read more about Janet Phelan's ordeal with Gunderson.
"This pattern is seen over and over again," Sherri Kane concluded after reviewing hundreds of pages of complaints against Gunderson by dozens of authors online. She noted a pattern: "Women journalists report black-ops involving the CIA, and then Gunderson, White, and their allied agents, each using several aliases, attack them on the Internet for damage control. They demonize, harass, and attempt to discredit the messengers, rather than refuting the messages."
Gunderson lied, according to McGauley, when he claimed he helped McMartin investigators. He did that, according to McGauley and other published sources, in an effort to feign heroism and recover credibility lost during his lame and embarrassing defense of Jeffrey R. MacDonald, convicted for murdering his family.
Below is Gunderson's handwritten note to McGauley that implicates him in the reported murder of private investigator, Rick Post who worked to expose the criminals at the McMartin school. Gunderson expresses contempt for Post in his writting to McGauley before Post's disappearance.
To cover for Gunderson, an inaccurate and confusing note, from an anonymous source, was attached to the widely circulated Gunderson memo to hash all the information, including that provided by the Associated Press (AP) in the news clipping detailing Post's alleged murder.
Meanwhile, AP is widely known as a primary source of CIA propaganda, that in this case exonerates Gunderson.
The obviously false and confusing side note says, "Ted Gunderson murder of P.I. Rick Post. Post worked out McMartin Preschool case. Ted Gunderson's handwritten note to Rick trying to persuade Rick to flip to Bad Guys side. Rick's body tortured & cut apart at Gunderson & Munotts Sierra Clinic."
Gunderson wrote the note to Jackie McCauley, complaining about Rick Post. Thus, the side-note should have cited "Jackie," not "Rick."
Gunderson wrote: "You aren't going to do research and put my name on it, but you will do this with Rick Post or Chris Clark & put their name on it. Did Post or Clark support you and your children for the past year and a half? Come on, how about working with me instead of against me? This was the idea when you quit your job - we were going to work together & both take credit - as a Team".
Gunderson's Extended Network of the Rich and Infamous
Mounting evidence indicates Gunderson is an extremely dangerous man. In several thorough reports, including an article by James Orlin Grabbe (deceased), Gunderson worked with a CIA "high-tech genius" named Michael Riconosciuto. This "friend" of Richard Nixon was alleged to be the "developer of the main bomb that blew up the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building," and was a "key CIA figure in the INSLAW scandal that mainly caused the Ruby Ridge Siege," according to exhibits in a federal suit filed in Dallas, Texas at the breakout of the Waco Siege. These court records claimed to elucidate "important truths regarding Ruby Ridge and Waco, as well as the ties between them even to the point of showing the ties between the Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City scandals."
Gunderson and Riconosciuto also worked with Robert Booth Nichols (allegedly deceased), the son of John Lear, founder of the Lear Jet Corporation. Nichols, according to Grabbe, and other credible authors, worked for the FBI and collaborated with Gunderson in criminal affairs, including money laundering and narcotics trafficking involving the Yakuza and Gambino crime family.
Gunderson, according to Hartwell and others, was nefariously involved in exposing Riconosciuto's connection the "Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS)" software, designed to help organize the large amounts of paperwork generated by law enforcement and the courts. It was developed by Bill Hamilton, the founder of INSLAW. Hamilton alleged that the Justice Dept. had stolen PROMIS and illegally distributed it, robbing his company of millions of dollars.
Riconosciuto claimed to have modified the software at the Justice Department's request, so that it could be sold to dozens of foreign governments, with a secret backdoor feature that allowed outsiders to access computer systems using PROMIS. The scam involved Riconosciuto and Gunderson in theft and banking fraud, and was claimed by Hamilton to increase the risk of
Terrorism and illegal money transfers, including possibly enriching Osama Bin Laden.
Riconosciuto was then set up with 900
pounds of methamphetamine, framed, he claimed, to keep him from exposing the Justice Department's theft. Gunderson testified in his defense, with Riconosciuto ending up in jail.
Gunderson was also aware that Riconosciuto introduced murdered journalist, Danny Casolara, to Nichols. According the book written by Cheri Seymour, The Last Circle, Casolara was in his final stages of investigating an "association of mobsters, government officials, and rogue intelligence figures grown out of a dirty CIA "Old Boy" network that he had dubbed "The Octopus." Casolara told friends that he had in hand significant hard evidence pointing to the connections between INSLAW, Iran-Contra, and the BCCI scandal.
Gunderson was reportedly scheduled to have met with Casolara the day he died.
Risconosciuto, reportedly in prison, is also connected to, Bio-Rad. Bio-Rad is a molecular biology industry supplier and perceived competitor of American Bionetics--American Cyanamid's acquisition of Litton Bionetics, that Dr. Horowitz explains originated the first AIDS-like viruses spread via tainted vaccines. CLICK HERE to read SIDE BAR #2 on this matter that also implicates Gunderson, Aquino, and the CIA.
Robert Booth Nichol's corporation Meridian Arms, a subsidiary of Meridian International Logistics, was reported to be working with Japanese and Russian firms to advance same research as Bio-Rad.
Grabbe also wrote about Gunderson and Risconosciuto meeting "Tim Osman" (alleged to be an alias for Osama Bin Laden), in 1986. The men discussed MANPADs----Man Portable Air Defense Systems. Two representatives of the mujahadeen were also there to discuss their armament needs. One of the two men, Ralph Olberg, was an American businessman securing weapons for Afghan rebels. (Read more here.)
Gunderson Defended Convicted Murderer MacDonald
Gunderson lost a lot of credibility when, as the head of the FBI's Los Angeles division, he served as defense investigator for the green beret, Jeffrey R. MacDonald, indicted for murdering his wife and two young daughters in 1970. MacDonald blamed the murders on a Manson type group. But Gunderson enlisted a drug addicted woman, Helena Stoeckley, most likely a mind-control slave, to confess to the murders. Later she retracted her confessions, leading to Gunderson's ridicule.
(Read more here.)
Gunderson and Hilder Jeopardize "Chemtrail" Awareness
Most recently, Gunderson has "partnered" with Anthony Hilder to create an elaborate website, and publicity campaign, discrediting "chemtrails" by their endorsements.
The costly operation raises the question who is funding this site and why, as both Gunderson and Hilder claim poverty, and they do not sell anything on their site? The involvement of Hilder, besides
Gunderson, discredits an otherwise very serious matter as public concern, while media coverage of the repeated assaults is mounting.
The CIA's involvement in this black op, that includes discrediting intelligence, (i.e., the COINTELPRO's counter-intelligence) best explains this new Gunderson/Hilder partnership, and their sudden engagement in this matter beyond their scientific or technical expertise.
Gunderson's letter to Hartwell raises several scandalous questions, including why are CIA/FBI agents operating as enemies of State, embracing satanism, terrorizing people, muddying the media, and perplexing the public by disseminating intelligence on U.S. government corruption along with scandalous information about child sex trafficking serving pedophiles and perverted officials?
Gunderson's group demonstrates "controlled opposition"--fake dissidents providing cover for deadly criminal operations. This is also how the CIA/FBI COINTELPRO operatives deter grassroots activism, preventing peaceful revolutions triggered by righteous indignation about government corruption. So long as confusion persists in the public's mind, and proof of official criminal malfeasance is limited, murderous covert operations, including child trafficking and sex slavery networks operating today, will continue to please and profit the criminal elite.
Geraldo Rivera concluded his satanic child-trafficking-sex-slavery interview with Gunderson and Aquino by saying, "[I]t has never been proven in a court of law. Obviously it needs more investigation. But if these things are happening, then there should be a national task force of federal and state and local cops working together to prove or disprove [this], because this is just unacceptable. . . ."
The evidence and common sense presented herein debunks Rivera's claim that Gunderson is "a sincere man." Gunderson's letter to Hartwell proves he lied to the American people, and demands an inquiry, honesty, and greater accountability, along with transparancy in the Justice Department and the CIA.
There is a curious website that asks, "Who is this man, and what is he up to?" That website claims that Ted Gunderson is an impostor.
The author of that publication claims that the original Ted Gunderson "was paid $500,000 to retire from the FBI, assume a false identity, 'start a new life' with no traceable connections to the life he had led before, and keep his mouth shut. This enabled an impostor to assume the identity of "FBI Agent Ted Gunderson, retired."
Given the gravity of these revelations, and their implications for family, as well as national security, the authors urge readers to demand answers to the following questions from the Justice Department:
"Who is Ted Gunderson and Michael Aquino, really, and what is their status and function(s) in America's intelligence community?"
"Is there anyone at the CIA or FBI who can stop the satanic network's child trafficking operations?" If not,
"What shall We The People do about losing our nation, and children, to pedophile perverts neglected by, and assisted by, the CIA and FBI?
Please register your personal complaints by sending letters and copies of this article to the Acting Inspector General of the Justice Department, Cynthia A. Schnedar.
Don't bother writing the former internal affairs director of the FBI, John H. Conditt, Jr. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison after assaulting a 6-year-old girl, the daughter of two FBI agents, and at least two other girls before beginning his two-decade career in law enforcement.
This simply proves FBI agents are not immune to the pedophilia plauge infecting the Justice Department and CIA.
Ask Schnedar to do the right thing, demanding investigations and indictments. During her last two years with the U.S. Attorney's Office, Ms. Schnedar served as the Deputy Chief of the Sex Offense and Domestic Violence Section.
The FBI encourages you to report fraud, abuse, or misconduct concerning Department of Justice employees, contractors, and grantees, to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) by mail:
•Office of the Inspector General
•U.S. Department of Justice
•Investigations Division
•950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
•Room 4706
•Washington, DC 20530
Online: Reporting Form
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Additional information concerning the jurisdiction, the confidentiality of complaints, and how to report allegations of retaliation is available at:
* FOOTNOTE: According to Sterling, "The end result of O'Brien and Taylor's public ravings has been to trivialize this research by association. The CIA itself could be behind the plot: Both Cathy and Brice had the ‘help’ of self-described ‘renegade CIA operatives’ in the recovery of their memories. It's quite possible those operatives weren't renegades. Their help might have involved implanting bogus tales.
“Such a plot is straight out of Machiavelli. Whether the CIA is behind it or not, their mind-control fraternity is the major beneficiary of these lurid tales, and no doubt their members are chuckling over them right now