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Re: Constipated caused by colon/parasites cleanse

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

LoricaLady Views: 13,733
Published: 13 y
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Re: Constipated caused by colon/parasites cleanse

Yes, that is very concerning about the bowel movements. Not healthy and will make you feel down emotionally too probably.

Some things that may help:
If you eat 2 quarts of airpopped, hopefully organic, popcorn with minimal to no oil or butter (maybe some coconut oil) and a small Watermelon all in one day you should start getting cleaned out due to all that roughage for one thing.
Taking 2-3 capsules of magnesium before bedtime has helped many people. I personally think brand can make all the difference and have found Twinlab (cheaper at places like Vitacost & iherb) to be very good. A tsp of Epsom Salts in water before bed can be quite helpful, more if needed.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water, or even herbal tea, seems to be essential. Your body needs fluid to move stuff along.

Some people really like Oxypowder but I have found that it seems to deplete my electrolytes or something because it made me feel very tired after a couple of days.
Blessed Herbs is, mho, the best bowel cleanser, but pricey.

You can do maybe 1 high enema a week w/o getting dependent on enemas, and low enemas (2-4 cups at a time) will cause no dependency so use as often as helpful. Be sure to eat acidoophilus yogurt to replenish good bacteria. Dannon sells this in the plain, usually non fat, no Sugar etc. added version.

Some people use cascara sagara and it is effective, but you can get dependent on it. One way to counteract that dependency at least somewhat, if you find it's all that works, is to not take it every day. Chia seeds mixed in with soup or green drinks can be very helpful – though it may take a week or two for the effect to be seen.
It wouldn't hurt to put some quassia "tea" (you buy the chips & let them steep in hot water just like tea) and/or Black-Walnut or Black-Walnut /womrwood (again available at places like Vitacost) tincture into the last enema bag, and they can help kill any parasites.
Probiotics are a must. Reportedly they help with many physical as well as mental problems. (See Youtube, Dr. Mercola & Dr. Campbell for example - & its not just about autism if you hang in there long enough.) Yogurt has already been mentioned but some need to use it sparingly as for some it causes constipation. Kefir has wonderful probiotics. One can make sauerkraut pretty easily with organic cabbage (the kind in the can has been pasteurized and that has killed most, if not all, the probiotics) and can make rejuvelac ultra easily.
Many people are low on Vitamin D. See info on the net on how to get Vitamin D production through sunlight exposure. Norweigian (not likely to have mercury) cod liver oil is helpful. Get lots of fresh air and exercise gently each day with some stretches as well as light weight bearing exercises. Be sure you have enough Vitamin A. Look at your palms. Is the skin on your palms, below your fingers, kind of orangey? It should be. Be sure you have enough iron. See informal iron fingernail press test on the net, or better yet get a blood test. In fact, getting blood testing is great for things like amino acids, vitamins, coQ10, minerals.
All cleanses can be quite stressful to the adrenals. Taking a good quality Vit. C several times a day around the clock (and btw Emergen-C has Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) in it, disguised as “flavoring” or something like that) and having lots of protein can help you be strong. A B complex can also be very healthy along with milk thistle to strengthen the liver.
Are you on anti depressants? They can rob you of nutrients & many studies say they are only initially effective, then are harmful in many ways. Regular exercise and healthy Diet are shown to be far more effective.
Never underestimate the prevalence of mercury. Not just silver fillings but many, many things in the environment are a threat. For example plastic bottles leech out mercury into the food or drink, bubble wrap will cause it to get into hands that work with it, etc. etc. Activated charcoal put in enemas (you can mix them in with the last enema mentioned above along with the acidophilus yogurt & coffee, but not with meds or supplements 4 hours before or after oral ingestion) and/or taken orally can help remove mercury and other toxins. Some industrial pollutants only go out by sweat, though.



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