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Re: Serious infection
I don't know if you have any but I have had awesome results with drawing out infections with plantain poultices. My son once cut through his cheek with one of his teeth (motorbike dump!) and it got infected and there was a lump in his cheek the size of a walnut. I put a really thick poultice of mshed plantain leaves on gauze overnight on it. It was summer so I just picked it outside but dried should work the same if you can get it. I was really amazed because it had been so alarming and in such a potentially disfiguring spot. By the next morning it was remarkably better- all the ooze and infection had pulled right out of it. It healed up without even leaving a scar- just a cute dimple when he smiles because the cut was right through the cheek muscle.
Best healing wishes to you!!! It's not vanity- things on our faces are just the worst and so hard to deal with!
I have also used it on boils and pimples that wouldn't come to a head and had great results. I remember a story about Dr. Christopher using huge amounts of it on the foot of a man who had blood poisoning from a wound in his leg- very serious. If I remember correctly he had him sit with his foot in a bucket of crushed plantain and by morning all the poison pus, etc. was drawn out of the leg and he saved it.
Just for anyone else reading this- a wad of freshly picked and mashed (even chewed)plantain leaf is absolutely amazing to stick on bee stings and bug bites and also works wonders on burns. I always make sure that I know where some is growing so I can get it fast.