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A new idea for those Fecal Body Odor

Hulda Clark cleanses
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Published: 13 y

A new idea for those Fecal Body Odor

I have never had a problem with fecal Body Odor . I want to help though.

If I had this problem, one of the things I would try is an ionic spa. I personally own one and use it every once in a while. The spa I own adds ozone into the bubbles that my ionic spa produces. You can buy more expensive ozone hotubs that do the same thing if you want to get serious.

What the spa looks like is a mat that you put at bottom of your bathtub with a hose connected to it and a machine that blows air and ozone into the mat . You lay in the bathtub and enjoy the ozone bubbles surrounding your body. By laying in ozonated water your body is able to easily absorb the ozone into your skin and even goes below your skin theoretically. When I use it and then get out of the bathtub my skin has a wonderful ozone smell to it that lasts for hours and hours. Not only will this way of bathind detox you in the long run, but it will make you smell nice and fresh after you finish.

Another thing I do is use a portable steam sauna for detoxing. The sauna I use is made of fabric and encloses the whole body except the persons head. I then insert the tube of the water ozonator that I own into an opening in the portable sauna (you can insert the tube where your head comes out of the sauna if you want). What I would do if I had this severe odor problem is after doing a 20 minute sauna go to the shower and rinse off all your sweat to make sure the toxins from your body don't don't go back into your pores. Then get back in the sauna for another 10 minutes with the ozonator running and when the steamer from the sauna shuts off, sit it the portable sauna unit for at least another 5-10 minutes with the ozonator running to let the ozone onto your wet body. Do not take a shower after this point. You want the ozone to be able to seep into the pores of your skin. Sit in the sauna for a while after the ozonator shuts off and let the ozone seep into you pores completely. Your skin will have a nice ozone smell for most of the rest of the day and you will have detoxed your body.

Be forwarned that some people get a rash from the ozone on their body...probably from the heavy detoxification effect of the ozone. I have never had a problem with any sort of rash and do this exact method every second day or so.

I noticed you can buy one of these portable saunas that is similar to mine from a sponsor on this site (I have no affilliation with this site financially). The sponsor has a heading to thier add that says "Sweat to Detox". You can buy more expensive ozone sauna's...but my method is an inexpensive way to introduce yourself to this method to see if it's right for you.

Good luck to you all.


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