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Re: Milk Kefir or Water Kefir?
indigoaura Views: 11,776
Published: 13 y
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Re: Milk Kefir or Water Kefir?

I'm wondering why no one is addressing what seems to be obvious to me - that the quality of the milk is a huge factor in health and also the reactions that some people seem to have to kefir.

Pasteurized, homogenized milk, even the "organic" labels (still factory farmed), causes many issues in some. I don't believe that pasteurized milk is good for anyone, as all the enzymes are killed and the proteins are changed into something totally different than the original state of the milk. Humans have benefited from milk for thousands of years IN THE NATURAL STATE, but we've only been drinking this factory farmed, cooked crap for a few generations.

Also, cows fed grain yield milk that causes reactions to people who are allergic to wheat, soy or corn.

You have to wonder whether the benefits of the kefir is being cancelled out by the "dead" milk.

I go with 100% grass fed, organic, raw cow milk from my local (licensed and inspected) dairy. It is fresh from that morning and it's yellow - not white - with cream on top.

I also make water kefir, which isn't as powerful as milk kefir but still have some of the same strains of bacteria and yeasts. My kid loves this stuff, and won't drink the milk kefir. If I didn't have raw milk available I would only make the water kefir, personally.

Just my 2 cents


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