After my mirena was removed I noticed a smell down there and went to planed parenthood and was diagnosed with bv. She prescribed metronizadole and I completed it and everything seemed better. Right after I finished the Antibiotics my period started and after my period stopped I noticed the smell again. So I went back and she said it was something I did wrong. If I used it the whole time I was supposed to it would be gone. So she checked under a microscope to make sure it wasn't anything else and gave me a new prescription.
Again everything was fine except this time no period. It's been over 3 months and I have not had a period. Only some very light spotting after intercourse. I have noticed a slight smell so I was looking things up and decided to do a hydrogen peroxide douche. I am using food grade 3%. I am experiencing light bleeding but I don't know if it is menstrual fluid or actual blood.
Has anyone had an issue like this? Any advice or tips?