I have been through lyme disease and more recently which almost killed me was mold poisoing during the mold i had a upper respitory infection and after that cleared up i was left with vocal cord dysfunction. I cant get a deep breath i hav constant pain in my throat and neck and chest area. sore throats, sinus issues etc but worst of it all is the breathing issues. this also may be related to LPR a type of reflux but i think there is nerve damage involved. FIrst id like to see peoples thoughts to gerson or juicing in general healing nerve damage? secondly regarding the enema, I havnt been able to tolerate caffiene since I was 16 I am now 30. even a tiny amount and i have horrible neuro symptoms. i need to do the enemas as they are important to the treatment but am worried about caffiene. I have read some say it doesnt absorb like it does if you drink it and others say that it does. please can someone let me know if it will effect my heart rate going in the other end :) thank you