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oil pulling side effects
earthgirl49 Views: 9,112
Published: 13 y

oil pulling side effects

I was trying the oil pulling for 3-4 days when I find myself in such back pain around shoulders and earaches and headache and extreme nausea. I did have a few days of intense hunger and couldnt stop eating and overly anxious also until the nausea has set in.
I cannot take these and have stopped today for a few days as having my grandaughter for a few days and do not want to be so unwell but still have bad brain fog.
Why are these things so bad and how long will it take for them to ease up please?
I wasnt sure if is detxifying as thought probably good for getting in good oils into system better but if I am not detoxing, what is going on as only happenning with the op?
I am doing coconut oil and had codliver oil one day when the real bad stuff started and went back to the coconut but really want to know why so bad and how long until relief from these side effects please?


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