There are several websites, is the cheapest, you can see it also at tools for healing and others. You can also buy direct by calling 937-666-6107. The Dewormer goes by many names, the MOST successful saler named it "WORMS BEGONE", he sales about 50-75 bottles per week and makes $10 net per bottle, many make $25 per bottle. We sale wholesale in bulk to ALL. I tell people all the time to resale enough to their friends to at least make it so they have nothing in what they use! You can call it any name you please or use the BAREFOOT HERBALIST name. Some resale it as high as $74.95 a bottle and that is DIRT CHEAP compared to Clarkia Brand and DrClark Brands. My retail is $34.95 a family size 16oz bottle designed for Amish familys. Buy 12 and get wholesale and resale, etc.