Re: Q. for LoricaLady: candida test
I am not claiming to be authoritative on this topic, just sharing what I personally experienced.
What I saw with the h202 & ACV was a lot of gunk coming out - things I described. Unbelievable amounts of it. It just seems to me that if those products made those awful things come out that I should keep going until it was all gone. That's what I did. It took dozens & dozens of enemas. (Do as many as you like at one sitting as long as you don't go too high with water into the intestinal tract, and as long as you replinish good flora with things like acidophilus yogurt in the last enema bag, and keep up yuor electrolytes.)
There was definite die off from this process! Mostly at first. Mostly, for me, in the form of itchiness at nighttime. But it was all worth it. When I could not see anymore I felt so much better! Actually, if I eat some of the no nos I will find it again, but not nearly at the levels seen initially, mainly just some white, wet wisps of candida.