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Re: Please read: Odor Issues!
coolskys Views: 2,143
Published: 13 y
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Re: Please read: Odor Issues!

Hi there Prayer25,

Thank you so much for replying to me! Boy, I am thankful for this forum, and everyone's stories.

So many people think we're making it up. But, it's good to know that there are people who know that it is a real issue.

I just went out recently, and showered right before I went out! I still saw people around me sniffling, and coughing (right next to me). It is really aggravating, and makes me nervous.

Anyways, I still cannot smell a thing! I have no idea what the smell is!! I wish I had the courage to ask the people around me lool.

Is there any medical explanation as to why we cannot smell the odor???

For example (when I am not nervous and sweating), I think I smell fine, but the MINUTE someone sniffles, coughs, or sneezes around me, I cannot control the sweating (and the smell that comes with it).

I even apply copious amounts of perfume, to smell fresh, but it seems when I wear perfume, the smell gets a lot worse. Very odd, I know.

Days when I don't apply perfume, I feel that it's a bit milder, and the smell is not as strong.

Thanks for sharing your story. Appreciate it so much. :)



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