urinary incontinence controlled w/out drugs
urinary incontinence can come from a variety of reason.
the drugs used to control this are hard on the liver...ie, Propalin and Prion, ETC.
an excellant SAFE, LOW COST alternative is Uri-Control by Heel/BHI
this is a homeopathic not a drug......no side effects.
it can be ordered thru mosyt health food stores.
THIS IS EFFECTIVE FOR HUMANS TOO....in fact this stuff is made for humans.....just works too on pets(like most things)
crush up n put in jowl 1x or 2x a day...30 minutes away either side of a meal.........my girl,Sandy needs a 1/2 tab 1x day.
it has been LIGHTS out for her nuetered-enduced incontinence (in about 5% of fixed females)
it would be terrible to have our sweet old doggies(or grandma) have a serious liver problem from years of drugs(i have seen it) when there is an EXCELLANT alternative.