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Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Smoking and Lung Problems
Breathe Easy: Study Finds No Link Between Marijuana Smoking
and Lung Problems
Jan. 10 2012 at 5:15 PM
Tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke have some things in common. For example,
they are both "smoke." Yet it appears there are some significant
differences between the two, according to a study conducted by University of
California San Francisco researchers.
For starters, one causes lung problems and the other doesn't.
Researchers found no link between marijuana smoke and emphysema, or any of the
other pulmonary problems associated with cigarettes. In fact, some light
marijuana users had higher lung function that non-smokers.
The findings are the fruits of a 20-year study in which over 5,000 marijuana
users in four cities were examined between 1985 and 2006. The study's authors
stop short of recommending that pot be issued to all citizens, but they do
corroborate some previous findings..
The study was published today in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (subscription required to read the study in full), and has
received nonstop international media attention.
Perhaps troubling for frequent tokers, the "typical" light use in the
study is 2 to 3 joints or pipe bowls over a 30-day period. For others, it could
be one set at a Phish concert.
The study corroborates other similar findings: Donald Tashkin, who runs the
pulmonary center at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, found no link
between marijuana use and lung problems, even in users who had smoked the
equivalent of a joint a day for 50 years.
At the least, this study shouldn't be interpreted as an endorsement of marijuana
use -- merely a lack of evidence that it makes lung function worse, according to
health experts interviewed by Web MD.
"Marijuana does irritate airways, and certainly anyone who's heard someone
cough after smoking marijuana knows that," one said. "Is this actually
a real benefit to lung health? Probably not."
So don't throw away your vaporizer, and no need to give up on the brownies!