Re: Modern medical myths . . . The Germ Theory
Thanks for the support. It's nice to know that there are others out there who see the erroneous thinking of the Germ phobics. When fear is dismissed, we can live in harmony with bacteria and viruses.* (*There's even some question as to what a virus really is and whether it actually exists or not.)
I'm the one who started this thread, but really, hashing over the Germ Theory belief is merely academic. In my career, once I saw that germs don't cause disease (about 35-40 years ago), it opened up a new avenue to approach my patients' illnesses. My success rate sky rocketed and in much shorter time. I hope to get people on other sites to recognize that there are better ways to treat a problem such as candida, AIDS, etc. than to attack the unseen little critters. Attacking a germ is merely treating a symptom with only limited or short-term results. Germs are not the enemy.
In herbology, we restore healthy circulation to the tissue and it will heal itself. THEN, the germs will simply leave because they can't proliferate on healthy tissue.
I digress.
Thanks again.