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Re: mh-what could be wrong with me
MH 108 Views: 1,643
Published: 20 y
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Re: mh-what could be wrong with me

Normally this is due to gas being formed and can cause great pains. The Amish Healer would give you several coffee enemies, soak you in hot water with his hands around your mouth so you could breathe while your whole body was under water and sweat you out and cleanse you out and then FAST you until your elemination system was healed and alkaline.

I just prefer the LBB capsules in a dose that works for you and 1 meal per day after a 21 day orange juice fasting.

It is an acid condition and elimination condition, I would suggest you read Christopher's $7.95 colon book, I stock allot of them because most people end up with colon problems.

Your making burnable gas similar to what you smell in any cow lot. My Dad suffered from this for years and managed a 6 hour orange juice fast ONCE, most people will not do what it takes nore change the diet, you appear to be heading in the right directions though.



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