If passing stupid laws by government officials mean the public should be fried in a mushroom cloud, then line up EVERY PERSON from EVERY NATION even formed. No one is placed on Earth in the position of being "superior" to anyone else, nor to be "inferior" to anyone else. Power and position are man's ideals. Once absolute authority is formed, it is corrupted absolutely, since concern for others is not present in the authority.
Please consider living in a place where all of your life actions are determined by others, without any input from yourself. Small things like posting messages on the internet could be reason for prison or worse! Absolute authority doesn't like dissenting voices. We are in a place where one can express oneself. Had the United States not been formed, hardly any freedom of speech would be found anywhere on this planet. This country is not perfect, but it allows lots more than most. The door to leave is always there for anyone to use, just don't let it hit a body part on the way out!