wow.. 150 mg a day for a month. I had trouble tolerating 150 mg in a week. You might want to give diflucan a break because i have heard that candida can start to develop a resistance after about a month. You might want to try something different. Diflucan can be hard on the liver so thats something else to keep an eye on.
I cant see ACV killing friendly bacteria. But with some it has aggravated their candida or caused a cross-sensitivity.
Sinus congestion could be caused by the diflucan or ACV that could be aggravating your gut causing more mucus production. Of course sinus congestion can be caused with refined carbs+sugars. When I did diflucan I noticed more congestion due to the candida die-off.
Putting peppermint oil on the roof of my nose usually clears up my sinuses. But that is what has worked for me.