Chiropractic Adjustments affecting Digestion and Triphala Questions
Hi Dr. Jeff, just wondering in your experience have you seen chiro adjustments have much good affect on digestion? I am at the end of my 7th week on the plan and am having my 3rd adjustment tomorrow. I went in thinking I had a couple of ribs possibly out of place and found out with x-rays that my 1st or 2nd vertibrae in my neck is over to the right much further than it should be (over maybe an inch!) and the top 1/3 of my backbone is pushed to one side and my numbers for my static EMG Scan had 2 places off the chart with black bars (including right behind my liver and at the top of my neck)and 8 other places with red bars.
After my second adjustment the pain is much better (shoulder/upper right chest and back of lower ribs) and I was just wondering how much affect on digestion this might have? My leaky gut seems to be getting a little better and my reactions to certain foods not as strong as before the plan.
Also, wondering if Triphala (I'm sure you know) is allowed after week 7 on the plan? My wife is still trying to get more help in eliminating her bowels (mineral drops and prunes help but she still feels blocked up) In case you aren't familiar with Triphala, it is an Ayurvedic herbal formula that helps to cleanse the mucus off the digestive villi, making for a more efficient digestive process.* This formula has three fruits that support the eliminative process:
Amalaki is a fruit that supports intestinal repair.*
Bibhitaki pulls the old mucus off the wall.*
Haritaki strengthens the intestinal muscles to contract more efficiently when the bowels need to move.*
Also, just making sure that L-Glutamine is ok on the plan? The one I have is from the Vitamin Shoppe with no other ingredients in it. Hoping it will help heal my leaky gut some more.
Thanks so much for all of your help and for really taking the time that was needed to invent the McComb's plan and all of the work and research needed to have such a successful product. As a side note...besides it killing off the candida in me, it has also strengthened my liver which is evidenced by my slightly yellow eyes and skin to clear up to almost normal! Thanks so much!