Re: Might iodine help with either candida or mycotoxins?
This is not difficult, let me repeat, not difficult and after you get use to it you will not smell, trust me on this! =)
I think of this as KISS: Keep it simple stupid
Fresh raw garlic first thing in the AM take a tablespoon of flax or olive oil to protect your stomach prior to taking in the garlic. CHEW IT! One clove...then in the afternoon with lunch, GARLIC clove raw and chew it. Dinner time or afterward GARLIC clove raw, chew it.
You do this for a few months you won't have candida or mycotoxins.
Oh I'm not saying you won't get sick or vomititious or dizzy, sweating, have to lay down...feeling like you are just simply going to pass can happen especially if the garlic is organic and potent..(the best) but this will pass, I can guarantee you that it will and does pass. If it is too much the first few days then only do one dose a day but work your way up!!
I've seen so many people do crazy long term things with this and I sit and wonder, do they know the power of raw garlic...I mean truly truly by experience diving in and having at it the way one should for true healing of some of these type of things...I don't think so..people don't want to smell...well too bad, you will smell so long as it is killing that and kicking the crap out of it out of your body but trust me when it's no longer a threat, you will NOT smell. When it comes in contact with killing stuff it is the death of that whatever that gives off the rotten foul stench of death. ahaha...
Wonderful garlic! I wouldn't take my time to do 3/4ths of what people do to kick this crap out and trust me I've had my battle with it many many times and within about 2-3 weeks you feel the load decrease to the point you know the light is near, keep peeling and eating it! don't ever go without garlic.