I just came back from the ND office. My daughter as we talked has low DHEA and ACTH. She is only 7. I told him that she has gained weight and as you told me she has hypoglycemia. I think he is trying to find somewhere else, but it is here in the adrenals. She has high levels of copper in the hair analysis. I am trying to find the reason why she has low dhea. Do you think I have to lower her copper and support the adrenals to get the desired results? Otherwide, the ND is giving things for Sugar that will mask the main issue. Iam also doing electro therapy. I found out that she has the Borelia(Lyme) I don't know if that contributes to the adrenal issues.I am starting her on vitamin c, licorice. One thing though I have to ask if bee pollen is ok if she has high copper?