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Re: Old theory warmed & spiced up
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Re: Old theory warmed & spiced up

PM fregasedo,

Thanks! Yes, I still get the cornflake-like build up, but it seems each time the flakes are thinner and flake off easier. You can see on the October 2011 picture there is a flake in the middle of my top lip and another on the right side of my lower lip. Currently, I do not get a single large flake in the top middle, but rather more like a set of smaller fragmented pieces that flake off on their own every other day or so. The bottom right flake area is the most persistent area and it flakes off in sections according to a 7 day (or so) cycle.I also trim pieces of with nail scissors when able to do so without causing disruption or pain. Even this persistent area is slowly, but surely reducing in size.

By the way, I am not in agreement with some that the longer the flakes stay on the better (and therefore the longer the peeling cycle) the better. I think the sooner they flake off on their own the better. For me, a quicker pace of flaking off has been directly correlated with thinner flakes. I take this as a very good sign of progress!

I do have much smaller flakes that mirror "normal" dry skin that simply comes off on their own in no time at all. I also wake up each morning with the white gunk, but even this seems to be reducing in quantity over time. Gross, I know. But facts are factd and it is what it is.

I am not completely healed, but I am confident that I am on the right path as evidenced by my improvement. It is still a daily struggle with periodic discomfort and burning throughout the day - especially when it comes to talking. This is the biggest challenge, but I am managing it and refusing to let this beat me.

This route takes time and patience, but it is well worth it!

Are you currently using balms or ointments? Have you teased out your theory any further?

Best wishes to you!


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