wow- i am overwhelmed by what ive just read. i have been experiencing 'paralyzing dreams' as long as i can remember. at this moment im unable to put into words my experiences..... i cant believe how similar they are to what ive just read. ive never had an OBE to my knowledge but i was on the verge, if that makes sense... im sure it does to those of you that posted here. i literally cried as i read this post- i did a web search this morning hoping to find some answers after talking to the youngest of my four sons and hearing him describe the 'dreams' he's having and realizing they are the same as mine. ive never found anyone who truly understood- until now. i havent gotten past the fear of what was happening to be able to continue the experience. i always fight to try and force myself awake which is mostly frightening and draining. i too have felt a presence that i perceived as evil but i called on jesus and was comforted immediately and the presence was gone. i want to share two particular experiences but i will have to do it another time. i see that these posts were some time age, i hope you are still around and maybe have more to share....... thank you all for sharing what you've learned and experienced. i've never been able to explain to anyone all of mine- if i try im met with odd looks that tells me they think im crazy- and ive often thought the same of myself. i want to know so much more especially since my son seems to share this with me and none of my other boys do. thanks in advance for any feedback that will help us understand.........