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herbal antibiotic for pseudomonas aeruginosa
dreamhouse Views: 14,918
Published: 14 y

herbal antibiotic for pseudomonas aeruginosa


Can you say what are the best herbs to deal with these pests and also if they will manage to totally rid the body of it??? How effective is it compared to conventional Antibiotics which usually do not get the whole job done?

Please say anything at all useful on this. A friend is infected and had pyelonephritis.

Thank you so..

PS: Also this friend has recently been in the ICU of a hospital to undergo surgery for the removal of an unidentified obstacle in the ureter and before surgery she went through a very heavy round of Antibiotic therapy to get rid of the pseudomonas, which was obviously not the case. So Im wandering if she can rebuild her flora now using morning and night kefir. Her kidney problems started with stones, calcium oxalate stones, so the question is: Can she have milk kefir without problems or should she go for water kefir (can it also be detrimental because of the sugar?)

Can you also advise on what herbs she could take to care for her kidney failure?

Thanks again.


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