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"Cancer Can be Cured" - Fr. Romano Zago OFM

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"Cancer Can be Cured" - Fr. Romano Zago OFM

"Cancer Can be Cured" - Fr. Romano Zago OFM

A few years ago, in 2007 or 2008, I talked with someone who called and told me about Father Romano Zago's raw honey and aloe treatment for cancer. The person told me that many people had been cured of cancer using this formula. I jotted the information down including a website, and placed it aside to look at it at a later date.

In 2010, as I was revising a home remedies book I wrote on hydrogen peroxide and ozone with a new title "Hydrogen Peroxide and Aloe Vera plus Other Home Remedies," I included Fr Zago's raw aloe and honey recipe along with several other low cost cancer treatments. At the time I obtained a used copy of Fr Zago's book "Cancer can be Cured" at used bookstore.

Fr Zago was born in Lajeado, Brazil on Aug 11, 1932. He was ordained a Franciscan Friar in 1958. In 1988 while presiding at the San Antonio parish in Pouso Novo (RS) Brazil, he learned from local natives a potent all natural recipe made from Aloe Arborescens for curing cancer and other diseases.

A few years later, he went on to new assignments in Jerusalem and in Italy where he seen success using this formula on the chronically ill. Fr Zago states he did not originate the formula. He learned about it from natives and poor people who over time, trial and error, discovered how to make their own medicines.

In his book he writes. "this recipe is inexpensive with no contraindications or negative side effects, targeted at alleviating the suffering of the sick and those directly or indirectly connected to them, who are sometimes helpless when faced with the enormity of the problem." In his book, Fr Zago reports on 39 individual cases of cancer, many terminal, that were cured with aloe and honey. Excerpts from his book describing the recipe can be found at

In his book, he describes the joy of receiving a phone call about a girl with lupus who was cured after using the honey and aloe treatment for just 3 weeks.

There are many species of aloe plants. Fr Zago uses aloe arborescens. However, in North America, aloe arborescens is difficult to find. Aloe Vera Barbadensis is the most common form of aloe used and is available in many aloe products from aloe vera juice to gels and lotions. Research published at the United States National Library of Medicine on aloe vera barbadensis indicates this species has anti-cancer properties.


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