Re: Day 8 -- Bodily funtions are strange
Hello Anastasia,
what you have described are the usual symptoms of elimination or detox experienced by many.......
#1. Back and leg aches and pains.
#2. Liquid stools are usually caused by the elimination of bile thru the bowels.
#3. Dark yellowish/brown urine is a sign of your kidneys expelling waste matter as well, but can also be a symptom of dehydration so make sure you are drinking sufficient water.
#4. Dizziness at any point during a fast is a normal and common sign of lowered Blood pressure and more commonly known as Orthostatic Hypotension. Be more careful when arising from a sitting or prone position, and do so much more slowly, as this can lead to the dizziness you mention and even fainting.
You will lose less weight on a water only fast than a juice fast, because on water only your body will go into "conservation mode" and preserve its food reserves as an instinctive bodily act of survival, in the ultimate prevention of starvation. This will not occur on a juice feast or fast.
Your goal of 2 weeks on water followed by one week on juices sounds good.