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update:my skin clears up, no more mistake, only proven method: for example
michellekansas Views: 5,558
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update:my skin clears up, no more mistake, only proven method: for example

neem oil+turmeric is very powerful, it does not hurt, pat getlyly on the deep patches, own single pimples it 's ok to gently rub like silk.(it's bumpy, so have to gentle), any damadge in your skin, is home for mites.
I only introduce you this one because if you ever make mistakes, you'd blame me.
avoid eating oil, venigar lots of plain yogurt before bed, works better if you detox your body internally with immune booster, before taking yogurt. But you have to detox the whole night, becsuse things come out of your intestine, and itch, and you'd have cold like symptom, I'm not sure how many hours after internal detox, I should take a whole body detox externally. I did not sleep last night, not efficient at all.
I'll do one more tonight. giving the skin lots of protection today, so it'll recover from the treatment.This is very important, when you're doing any other treatment I don't know of.
Medicine just made the mites having more resistence, and if you leave one out, they grow to the original amount real fast, because your body is in htis condition to make them grow. You get it from any where, from the wind, from a hand shake, from a sneezing of your friend....
After tried medications from all over the world, I'm now doing detoxation, and it's more mild, and it's soothing, no pain, just time, and patience.
Lord, how much have I suffered, I would not let this to happen to any one else.I need you to support me, and maybe we could make our own medicine our kids can use, if US pharmasuticals is not doing it, or is doing too slow.
The most fast way is you reserch and experiment on oyur self or or loved ones if safe. I've done the harsh part, i need people to join in to do the rest.there's risk, but I've done the worst. Join me, who ever you are, I'm too alone.what ever disease you have, or you think you're healthy, detoxation is good for you. your internal might be sick, you don't know.if one of your family is sick, the whole family is affected. If you're medicating your kid, and he's not getting better, it's becasue your toxation is contagious. You could see, if a family is healthy, the whole family is healthy. I saw a couple, the woman has stomach problem and headache, I told het some dos and some don'ts, and for some reason, she is cured,now has smmother skin on her face, and his husbandd grew back black hair.
I don't want to make money, I want our children to be healthy. But I can not pay for all.Join me, and not get me broke, maybe together, we can do something. to be away from suffer, to become helpful, not helpless.
Join me! I want to earn not a penny from you, God knows. Read my post, and you'll know.
Please email me if you want to join me

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