Howdy Anne - Howdy back at ya Uny
I have taken the time really read this post and reply to it so here it goes..
Let's get down to some basics... ok
In reading your posting history, you mention you had clay/white stools(can't remember which) when this all started 10 years ago. That is indicative of a seriously compromised liver. Unless I've missed something, you've seen liver flukes with every flush you've done...and since liver flukes cause liver compromise in several ways, it's very likely/possible you've had liver flukes for 10 years. (Lovely, eh?...they've been sucking blood out of your liver and poisoning you for likely 10 years...and they do damage the actually flesh of your liver with their sucking and enzymes - munch-slurp, munch-slurp). yes that all happened about 10 yrs ago..I thought I had a stomach virus,very sick at my stomach and very weak and noticed white stools a few times .lasted about a week or two ..still went to work through it all and yes I struggled .but do remember getting me some liver tonic which I think was livercare caplets back then and started taking them for a while .somehow I knew back then it was probably my liver . especially since finding out that my ex boyfriend had had hep b in the military which he didnt tell me untill after we had sex of course even though I asked him if he had anything-guess he thought since he was cured of it he was exempt ..but he said he spent some time in the hospital and got cured of it . since I have not tested positive for that ,nor did it show I never have had that . I know it must have been something else .. but what I wasnt sure of at the time
If we call the brain the Master Electrician/computer of the body, we call the liver the Master Chemist/ your chemistry has been just as trashed as your liver for the last 10 years. Just how many months/years do you think it might take until every organ & system becomes degraded and malfunctioning when the Master Chemist is screwed, and your body is having toxic chemicals poured into it by parasites?yes and thats undoubtedly added to my weight gain/demise over the years and of course the benzos and alcohol didnt help with that either .
Any time you eat, drink or do anything that makes them sick or uncomfortable, they 'vomit', 'diarrhea' or 'give off' poisons (even more than normally); and that compromises your entire body further. And that reaction may happen any time (either right after you eat/drink/do something, or several minutes/hours later...and that can cause you to think that what you do several minutes/hours later is the 'cause' of whatever reaction you may experience from that). Of course, when they die (as some will, even when you're not trying), they rot & putrefy, pouring more poisons into your bloodstream....that somehow your liver is supposed to neutralize and eliminate. yes I undestand that
Please read this entire thread (truncated message/s included) for more information about why this is, before you read any further in this post: I have read it .. do you think it is important that I take the ornithine ? or no ? I k now thats not part of natural healing huh? or will the charcoal do the job ? I am thinking it will
(and please don't come back and post about using isolated/fractionated substances. If you wanna use them, fine...I'm not the boss of you. But this forum is not the place to get support regarding natural plants they've basically turned into drugs) are you referring to the probiotics that I took ? if so then I didnt really have a choice since I didnt have anything with natural probios in it and that time I was desperate too ..and you know when a person gets desperate they will do anything and sometimes rational goes out the window . I wont post about it again even if I do take something like that .at least not on the forum .just figured that it needed to be out there .
Every organ & system in your body has been compromised, screwed-up and degraded by the liver flukes and your fatty, congested, clogged up liver for as long as you've had liver flukes and your liver has been compromised (likely, 10 years)...and now your body is a wreck and totally imbalanced and out-of-harmony both chemically & physically.yes I know ,I understand that .
And when the Master Chemist is screwed and your organs have been overworked & degraded because of it (for 10 years), you can expect to be "reactive"...and you can expect that there's no way in the world you, me, or anybody else could possibly know exactly why, how or what reaction any particular substance or blend is going to produce. thats the truth
The foundation of your house IS crumbling, and you're running around trying to figure out what works best to plaster the cracks in the walls, repair the windows, and keep the dust from causing you to sneeze! If you care about the house, then you have to fix the matter WHAT "reactions" you have while doing it. None of the reactions will kill you - but a clogged up liver full of stones & bugs will. while going through them I am not so sure . if I was to pass out I would have noone to help me or understand what is going on .
Coffee enemas - Gerson's patients (that were ALREADY dying of cancer) did 4-5 CE's daily...and those that were on death's doorstep did more. Putting a few cups of coffee into the last six inches of a piece of tubing that's nearly 30 feet long is NOT going to harm the critters in the upper 29.5 feet. And what few there may be in the last six inches will be replenished the next time some poop travels through. Btw, remember CE's help your liver to detoxify your blood...less toxins in the blood? less reactions. If I had a clinic and you were in it, you'd be doing at least 2 CE's daily (along with nightly castor oil packs and daily activated charcoal poultices on your liver). coffee enemas are something I am gonna start incorporating back in my daily routine . gonna start out with a weak solution and go from there .
Onward with a few 'quickies'...
I get these bad dizzy spells when I am cleansing such as IF#1 and #2 and or superfood and milkthistle .bad enough that sometimes I have to just stop what I am doing and just stand there holding my head until they subside . Then either be dizzy and hold your head, or stop taking them. Your reactions to natural healing substance are a symptom of your diseased liver. It seems to me (I could be wrong) that when you stop taking 'whatever', you still have all kinds of symptoms. no thats just it .. I dont have the dizzy spells anymore unless I am cleansing .. problem arises when I am driving down the road and I never know when they are gonna happen ..I dont wanna wreck or anything but I cannot avoid getting out of the house to do errands and such .. they are very debilitating .
the last time I got them horrible but I wasnt taking the IF#1 and #2 but was taking quite a bit of the superfood and milk thistle at the time so maybe thats why they hit me so hard but IFs helped me feel much better . I honestly think that something broke loose in my liver or something but that I guess I will never know for sure . I was messed up for a couple of weeks from that though .'Bottom line is that you were "messed up for a couple of weeks" because of your fatty, clogged up, parasite engorged liver. If you decide to unclog and heal your liver/body there's going to be a LOT of times something 'breaks loose' and you have reactions. You can plan on it and depend on it. I have been taking milk thistle in 1/2 tsp doses now so far with no bad results although sometimes when I take it I get a pain in my abdomen that hurts all the way into my chest . I know that it is probably working on my clogged up liver for sure and it cant break through all the clogs . if I take it while taking the IF#1 and #2 I get less symptoms from it .
So I suggest you make a decision: no flushing/healing & no healing reactions...get worse --OR-- flushing/healing & some healing reactions...get well. And I also suggest (again) that you be EFTing several times daily to deal with your fears of anxiety & fears of reactions (and the fact that those fears are holding you back from healing your liver). ok Uny ..if I do this will you be here for me to help me along ???..if I start doing it all again ? I really want to get better I really do . at this point I am just frustrated not scared at all ..
I'm not an evil-witch. I know your fears are real and that your reactions are real.yes they are. And I know that fear can actually cause the reactions (and even when it doesn't cause them, fear always makes the reactions much worse). I know how hard it is for you to deal with it all. But I always know (Schulze) "Sympathy comes betweet sh!t & syphillis in the dictionary, and not once did it EVER help anyone to heal!" I know There's absolutely no reason you can't do several rounds of tapping every day on these issues, and if you're not doing everything you can be doing to help yourself...well then, just like the rest of us you can expect to live with the consequences.yep I know that
I get them while on the IF#1 and #2 but they dont seem to be as bad so I am thinking it is a cleansing reaction. The IF#1 has a few herbs in it that can kill or sicken liver flukes (and other parasites). And everytime you take IF#2, it sucks up some both "alter the chemistry" of your body in some way or another. Having reactions either is, or is not, going to stop you from saving/healing your liver/life. It just can't be any simpler and less complicated than that, Nola. maybe thats what it is .but I do know that when I take if for a few days that my bp gets way out of range in addition to everything else I am dealing with and anxiety and ocd and all that crazy stuff comes back with a vengance .. normally I have been fine !! NO anxiety at all ! but yes I understand it can come back on me while cleansing due to parasites and such .. the right sided facial tingling is also aggravating too and can be scary when combined with all the other ..
I also had adrenal problems /symptoms/anxiety when I went outside for any reason after that .I was reacting to what I thought was high pollen count of ragweed in our desperate so I managed to get to the store long enough to get me some 15 billion probiotics and rushed back home and took one .(after researching some of course). and guess what ? symptoms went away !! I had energy gallore after a few days . so I guess I got me a bacteria imbalance also Of course, you have a bacterial imbalance, most everybody does. We all need to be cleansing out the build-up of putrefying decay in our colons (that causes the bad guys to have someplace to feed & breed and overpopulate). We all need to be ingesting natural probiotics every day (water kefir, dairy kefir, sauerkraut, lacto-fermented anything/everything, kimchi, kvass, rejuvelac...all are super easy and inexpensive to make).I know and I love me some sauerkraut too . I know there is a recipe on here for that ..will have to look it up . Your Master Chemist is trashed, your chemical balance is trashed, the organs that depend on the liver (all of them) have been compromised for 10 years...some bandaids you grab for are gonna cause positive changes in your symptoms, others will worse them. The bandaids aren't the cause or the's the crumbling foundations that causes it all.yep I understand that .which has got me questioning now - does the IF#2 affect good colon bacteria ? I have read conflicting stories about garlic and good bacteria so I dont really know .not blaming it on the #1 and#2 but just curious .We're all symbiotically dependent upon the good bacteria in our intestines for life & health. If garlic (or IF#1/IF#2) killed them, then all of Schulzes patients would have have gotten worse, eh?very true..thanks for clearing that up . (along with all the people in the all the countries of the world that eat garlic every day...they'd all have horrible digestive problems, at the very least). And you can be sure after all these centuries that someone would have figured out garlic was killing/harming people...and it would be considered a poison. Also, garlic contains inulin (a prebiotic, that provides food for good bacteria)thats good news !
also while on the IF#1 and #2 for more than a few days my anxiety starts coming back and I start having bad bad OCD symptoms and start panicking about anything and everythng and thats not a good state of mind to be in ..not fun at all .Likely because the IF#1 has the the low dose of anti-parasite herbs and you get more toxins in your bloodstream from the parasites. You need to be sure to be adding at least 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal to every dose of IF#2...and if you're not taking IF#2 you should be having several charcoal slurries daily. ok will try that and see what happens , which the vit d cream always brings me out of that but its hard to judge how much and when to use it . if I get too much that makes me dizzy now ..typical overdose symptom of course which isnt good but if I dont have it I go literally bezerk and they would have to commit me so right now it is my savior . have had none the past 3 days though and seem to be doing just fine .gonna see how long I can actually go without it this time . without taking the IF's . normally it is only a week or sometimes 2
I am thinking that CE's must be washing some of the bacteria away also .. am I correct in thinking this ? or are they just not high enough to have that effect ? see above
I am wanting to continue to cleanse and take the IF#1 and #2 and do the coffee enemas but am concerned about the good bacteria and the fact that the probiotic helped me out so much .. it calmed me down so much also ..just like taking a nerve pill for a few days and then came the energy Stick on yer bandaids however you wanna stick 'em on...but if you don't stop focusing on the crooked walls, windows & dust of it all (your reactions) and start focusing on the cause of it all, you'll continue to worsen in the same way you've been worsening. I know it was quick fix but I was desperate. am not taking anything like that now though ..
I could just continue to take the probiotic while cleansing but if I am fighting a losing battle then whats the use? I can take the water kefir but I just dont feel that its enough for me right now unless I was drinking like a gallon a day So use the other things I suggested (or use the pills) - it's only a losing battle if you don't decongest your liver and kill the flukes.I know how many garlic cloves a day will do that ? 3 ?4? and then coffee enemas later on in the day right ? for how many weeks? parasite tincture too? how many weeks on that ??? I will have to go back and reread again to find out some answers ..
after my energy spurt .I have been going over to my granny's house every day to do things for her like cook and clean and soon to be some real deep cleaning so that takes up a lot of my time also but noone else will help her and she is 94 yrs old and not able to really clean for herself but she still cooks some and takes care of herself pretty good but she gets dizzy a lot and has to hold onto something to walk around . I am just glad I got the time now to help her . I appreciate your taking the time to help your granny - that's SO sweet & wonderful & good. But "taking up a lot of your time" when you're sick? When you could be making a few crocks/jars of sauerkraut (to eat or juice), EFTing, and all the many things you could be doing to 'store up' foods, juices, etc. for when you are having bad days on your healing pathways? Hmmm, just be careful that you've got yourself taken care of (and that you're not avoiding what you need to be doing). right
I know with my history and prior antibiotic use and other horrible things I have done to my body over the years has probably depleted a lot of stuff as I am finding out .to look at me people think I am normal though ..but to have the symptoms I have - well I know that I am far from it ..but at least I don't take drugs for it . I'm glad you're off the drugs, too :) dont plan on going back to them either if I can help it
planning my next liver flush by friday of this week also YAY! ..that will put me 2 weeks since my last and I want it to be productive this time so I need to get my liver loosened up some Every flush you do IS productive! I have done 2 since that this post ..then I quit ! dumb idea huh? The more clogged the liver is, the more flushes you have to do to break up the clogs...and if the fluke-tails are hanging off the the biliary duct walls (like one of those hanging curtains made of strips of canvas at the end of a car wash, and they are) - then it's hard for the junk to get OUT of the liver. so still doing castor oil packs 2-3 times a week. 2-3 a week is great - but why not every night? I have been doing them nightly the past week except for last night ..gonna do one tonight though .. I cant really tell a difference doing them yet ..hopefully that will change soon ..especially when I start adding the CE's back in
I know all of this sounds cliche' for me but I can only do what my body will let me and I am frustrated to no end that I cant complete anything for very long without having to back off .its not from will power cause I got that . if I didnt I would have given up years ago. I wished I could go full force into this cleansing and just get it over with cause I am an all or nothing type of gal but it just doesnt work that way for me. The reason (or at least a big part of it) it doesn't 'work that way for you' is because you're SO afraid of all the reactions...yet not one of the reactions has ever caused you any lasting harm in any way. You can't stop the reactions from coming until you get rid of the cause of the reactions! Willpower is tough to have when toxic chemicals are making you reactive and altering your body/brain chemistry...I understand that. But I also understand you have to learn to somehow deal with it - because it's stopping you from getting rid of the cause of the problem. yes I know ..why do I feel like I am the only one that goes through this to this extreme ? it would help if I actually read of someone that has gone through it or is going through it like I have to ..
If you haven't already, try a few days with several activated charcoal slurries every day (3 or more, consistely for at least 3-4 days). Take 1 - 3 teaspoons of charcoal and mix it in with 8oz of water or juice, stir, and drink. If it's too gritty, use a straw. (more good info on activated charcoal here: ) ok.. I normally get in at least one tsp a day while cleansing .. so I need to be doin more huh?
I always look at the best/worst case scenarios when making a decision (the facts help me identify and deal with my emotions a lot). Fact: the worst case scenario for you (and a strong possibility if you don't take care of your liver) is cancer. So here's the scenario I'd be picturing and the questions I'd make myself answer: If you get, say, liver cancer, and the tumors are big (and they prevent you from flushing effectively or doing the IP)...which choices that you've made are you going to be able to look at and be comfortable with? Are you going to say: "Well, I know in my heart I did my absolutely best, and there was no way I could have handled the reactions, so even though I (and my kids/hubby) are going to have to deal with this, there's nothing more I could have done and my 'slate is clean'. OR are you going to say: "Crap, those d*mned reactions never really hurt me at all, they just scared me and made me uncomfortable. Other people have had to deal with these reactions and managed to heal themselves, and I could have, too. wished I knew who ? so I could have someone to relate too. And I had the EFT, and the charcoal, and the etc., that I didn't use to help myself get over it, when I could have. And now my kids/hubby/family are going to have to deal with this because I didn't do everything I have done to get over my fears and heal my liver". When it all comes down to it, which can you live/die with knowing? And what are you willing to do about it? And that's what'd help me (fwiw).
You know, I think you should go over to Doc Sutter's forum and ask Pioneer to read your posting history from this forum (here's the link: Whoa - holy moly - FIVE pages worth just on this forum?!) and get some "different" support (just do NOT take any of that horrible Phosphoric acid for liver flushing - it's bad for you in a zillion different ways). They use all kinds of unnatural supplements to bandaid the reactions over there. You know that those substances have the potential to harm & compromise you in the long run (and there's a lot of things they recommend/suggest over there that conflicts with Schulze/Christopher...and I/this forum is not about that in ANY way. But at least they know to flush & deworm aggressively and consistently (more often than 2x monthly if needed). And if the 'supplements' will get you to the point you will be aggressive and consistent, then I think that's where you need to be. I've been trying to help you get focused & dedicated about the 'natural way' for years, and it 's obviously not working for you. Maybe over there you can get whatever it is that 'you need' that you're not getting from this forum and me...because I don't have any more of anything I can offer you that I haven't offered you before (and I just can't spend any more time trying).please dont give up on me Uny ! that s the last thing I need right now ... I havent given up on me ! why is everyone else ? am I really that hopeless ?
You've got another flush scheduled (great!) and you're on the right track (great!). Keep up the good work and don't let anything (or any reaction) stand in your way. (And don't forget all the good stuff you learned when you're over there, okay?) I am not sure I want to go over there , but if you are done with me then I guess I have no choice huh but find other ways of support ? I am sorry I am not a healing case of victory for you ..but I will not give up just yet .. just had to take a break for a while I am ready to get back at it ..
Healthiest of blessings, thanks for taking the time to answer my post
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