Re: Candida Parasites or somethng else? My story in tears, HELP.
You would be blown away at all the hidden sources of heavy metal poisoning! Take for example vaccinations and flu shots containing thimerosal (banned in 1999): 2 year old babies (i.e. you and me) were given mandatory vaccinations containing more than 200 times the "safe" dose of mercury in a single dose (no amount of mercury is "safe"). Children get multiple vaccinations growing up. Don't forget processed food.
You wouldn't BELIEVE how much heavy metal is in processed food! Its loaded with it! And didn't you grow up eating tons of processed and microwaved food? Yea, me too, that's why I was so sick. Pesticides and herbicides containing heavy metals are sprayed heavily on the mass produced crops. Fillers and additives containing heavy metals are then added and used in the processing. Take for example drinks containing high fructose corn syrup which is processed in big metal vats containing mercury (some of which are still being used even after the FDA finally banned them). Or refined sugar containing nickel and cobalt (Got Depression?). Don't even think about white flour, fast food, processed meats etc. This is just the tip of the iceburg.
Lead paint was finally banned in 1978 but 24 million homes still have it. If you lived out in the country chances are your home was OLD and had lead paint, perhaps lead pipes in the hot water system. Did you drink tap water? Did you fill up pots with hot water because you wanted to reduce the boiling time of the water? Do you remember the condition of the paint? Was it peeling and cracking? Don't forget about toys made in china covered in lead paint.
And if you think all this talk about heavy metals is romantic, WAIT till I tell you about system wide fungal infestation!! You would definitely get healthier if you were my girlfriend. And I would consider letting you move in with me - I just would first have to make sure you know how to do the basics like laundry, dishes, etc. =) Haaahahahaha! Match made in heaven!