Subclinical Hyperthyroidism and addiction to sleep pills
I was prescribed with ativan by my doctor 0.5mg before bed time for the past fourteen months owing to sleep problem, woken at night with dry mouth and at the same time , i was diagnosised with subclinical hyperthyriodism and hypertension, which has been severe. as high as 181/116 and it is well controlled now
I am sleeping improve a bit after taking the ativan 0.5mg. However, when I tried to wean myself off the ativan as adivsed by my doctor, who had never given me any adivce or program of withdrawal, I felt terrible , feeling hot, and woke up at the middle of the night .When I realized of the terrible experience of withdrawing from he ativan, my Gp just asked me to continued it and to increase the dose to 1mg which I haven't followed and I found that the 0.5mg of ativan is working working on me sometimes.
While contiuing with the 0.5mg of ativan, I am worrying that I will become addict to it for the rest of my life. I am just wondering if my sleep problem is caused by medical reasons .
and if there is any test which I can undergo to find out the root cause of my sleep problem. Could it be subclinical hyperthyrodism, which I am having a mildly suppressed TSH for the past eighteen months and recently, I am also having osteopaenia.
Could sleep problem causes ostepoaenia? Can you suggest me the type of test which I can undergo to find out the causes of my sleep problem? Also, can sleep problem causes osteopanaie. I am just 39 still menstrating very months. My doctor told me he didn't know the reason of my osteopaenia and the reason why i feel dry mouth during sleep.
My GP just attribute it to anxiety and depression. However, when I think deeply, it sounds that the diagnosis is wrong. I can fall asleep shortly I went to bed and even after I start having sleep problems initially, I am still optimistic. It is after having sleep problem for six weeks and the side effects of the medicaton , adalat, inderal, ternormine ,which worsen my blood pressure and sleep problem did I began to feel anxious about my problem .And I was then prescribed with ativan 1 mg at the beginning and reduced ot 0.5 mg which i have taken for more than a year and I was aslo prescribed with tritace 1.25mg
It is the sleep problem at the beginning that cause anxiety rather than anxiety that cause the sleep problem. I was worried because I am now addicted to ativan. If I realize the addictive effects of ativan, I would have requested for sleeping pills. I don't realize that ativan has a calming effect which will lead to dependence.
I really like to wean myself off the ativan because i realize that i cannot take it in the long term .
Yet, I am helpless and I have once tried it but felt helpless.
I would be grateful if you can give me advice regarding my situation? I am just wondering if there is risk in treating
subclinical hyperthyroidism and I am also having a multinodular
glands with hyper and hypo glands. There is also one large hyper nodules in the right lobes. My doctor is unwilling to carryout further test regarding the my sleep problem but just prescribe ativan to me.
I should be much grateful if you can give me some advice regarding all my problems.
What would be the adverse effects of treating hyperthyroidism? Is there any thyriod medication which I only need to take one tablet a day. My GP said the thyriod medication will cause loss of calcium , how true is this statement?