After a week or so of giving the bird a few drops of diluted mms (1 activated drop in one ounce of water) some days as many as 6 times, as well as a drop in his eye twice a day, with no improvement, I gave him .06 ml of Baytril once every 24 hours for 10 days.
The Baytril brought the swelling down, but his eye is shut. After the treatment with Baytril, I have been giving him a dilute solution of 1 drop of unactivated sodium chlorite in 2 cups of water. One day I used a little bit stronger solution and he got runny droppings, so I will not do that again, because birds are fragile and can dehydrate easily.
His spirits are up; he's very vocal like he was before he got the eye infection, but I will be shocked if he regains his sight in that eye.