Now that I am trying Healing Bioenergy...
......I've noticed why, I think, healing is slower than I expected.
One of the folks interviewed in the film, "Think About It", ( ) mentions that the Chinese have noticed that 'energy follows intention' (or 'interest'), or something like that.
It occurred to me that interest or intention is simply the words we think, and that, if we are ill, we are not living/thinking our best words...we don't really KNOW what our own well-being feels like.
So, I am beginning to try new words inside my see myself in the now, the present...what are the opportunities before me, right at this minute?
I figure, if I can picture being the way I WANT to be, instead of any way that once WAS, that will help me become the way I want...faster.
I've been such a stubborn person...playing over situations and plans that used to be.
Far better, I think, to think and feel new and fresh. ...Maybe then I will BE new.
I know that a lot of yesterdays I once fretted over and felt bad about, are now melting away...thank goodness.
Also, I am walking better, and I am ambitious about things I want to do...however long I've got.