Centaury kills worms!
I wanted to let those suffering from worms know what has been working for me. I started taking a herb called Centaury about 4-6 weeks ago. Not sure really exactly when I started, life has been pretty crazy for me. Immediately I stopped feeling itches, and started seeing worms again.
Before starting, I had worked through a horrible blockage that was caused by a massive killing of worms with raw onion. This lasted almost 2 weeks, and I think what finally cleared it was LBB. However, during this time, I felt like the progress I had made was losing ground, because with my particular infection, any time my bowels are not moving well, they seem to repopulate and I start bloating again.
Anyway, I started taking Centaury 4-6 weeks ago, but was not consistent, only taking it once daily, along with ginger, fennel, lbb, clove and tumeric. My goal was 2-3 times daily, but I was so busy I would forget to take the second or third dose, and sometimes not even the first. But I was getting better and still seeing some worms, even after forgetting it entirely the day before.
Over the last 4-5 days, I have been more consistent, taking atleast one dose, but most days 2 doses, and a couple of days 3 doses. My stool has been filled with worms, and by that I mean 80% of what exits is worms, some large and thick - which is a really big suprise for me, I had only been seeing what I would call juvenile worms, and thought I had killed the big ones and was just now working on the leftover eggs hatching.
I'm also getting out some really thick filmy stuff, which I saw alot of last year when I killed most of mine with garlic, but have only seen a small amount of lately using other herbs. I always figured this stuff was a "nesting" material.
I buy centaury at Mountain Rose Herbs, and I have to grind it myself. I don't use the little capsule maker, I stuff my own 00 size caps myself, and I stuff them full where they hardly close. I have no idea what the dosage mg would be, but I take 2 capsules, 2-3x daily.
In my experience, with my particular infestation, I do not see worms in my stool unless I am killing them. Massive doses of other herbs seemed to keep them at bay, but did not produce much in the stool. Garlic worked great, but I just could not smell like that any longer. I think this herb is definately worth a try to anybody who is suffering from worms.
I had been wanting to try this for some time, as it is the main ingredient in the product promoted by
Ann Louise Gittleman . I wish I had tried it sooner.
I noticed a difference immediately, I stopped feeling those particular itches in my colon, but because I was not consistent, I was just getting out alot of smaller worms. I was actually getting out worms the day after forgetting to take it all together, so I feel it is pretty powerful. Now that I have been keeping it my system, it's amazing what is coming out. I watied until I was sure it worked before posting about it, I didn't want anyone wasting time or money. Now I am sure, I feel I need to post so that others can try it. Please keep in mind, we all have different systems, and what works for some might not work for all. I'm pretty sure I only have roundworm, in the 1.5 years I have been cleansing, I have seen no evidence of any other parasite.
One side effect I am having is that I am having major semi-solid diarrhea, foul smelling gas, and my stool smells just like the gas. Stomach is gurgling constantly. I have to just theorize that it is due to killing so many worms. Although diarrhea is a symptom of worms, I have rarely had it, mostly mine has been just the opposite, constipation. Also, I have noticed stool and gas having an odd smell before, but that was a while ago when killing lots with garlic, and the garlic of course would overcome any other odor. Sorry to be so graphic, but it's what is happening, and figured I would be specific. It's not very lady-like, but for me, I have seen it as major progress. Also, despite having gas, I am not bloated at all, which for me, is a major postive. The hugely bloated belly has been one of the worst symptoms of this whole thing.
Hope this helps someone.