Hi guys, are we finding any success in what we're trying????
Hi guys,
Surfer27 here. Hey all!! Have we been finding any success using the methods we've been trying here? Anyone with fecal body odour try the Nasal Saline Rinse yet with Grapefruit Seed Extract and noticed any good positive results?????? Also, i was talking to Prayer on the phone tonight and she told me, she came across someone who invented a product for Body odour!! I don't know what that is yet, but I'm sure she'll post it here lol. Anyways guys, I hope we soon find an answer to this horrible malady that's plagued our lives!!!! We have too, there are too many of us, that are struggling with this and with the amount of people on this board trying different things, we gotta find out what's causing this fecal body odour at the root!!!! lol. I'm tired of living this way and I would like some results, as would alot of others, so perhaps we need to step up our game and keep trying out other things, so others can try it out on this board!!! I'm just tired of alot of us going nowhere with this, that's all!! lol. I know for some peole it can be related to Candida, but for a majority of people, that's not the problem, it's something else!! lol So for those people who don't have Candida, please share your thoughts on what you've atleast tried to keep this odour at bay!! Thanks guys:) Take care and God bless.