hello everyone,i hope that evry's having an good morning.well the reason i'm writing is because of this article i saw on dehydration,which i saw someone post on here and went and did a little research before you go and say..'i'm not dehydrated'just consider the possibility and research the symptoms and causes.another reason i'm writing is somebody owes me $5 and i want it back ,lol just kidding but i heard that laughter is good for you and we need to laugh every now and then (in our case maybe a lot so i hope that helped you ).the other reason i'm writing is i was wathing chritian tv. and a preacher named Rod Parsley was talking about prayer cloths and what they did when they were applied to those suffering diseases and other problems...people were healed and soem got favor in the situations they were in (i know ,i know you're not an christian,it makes no difference God is merciful to us all ). you've tried so many things ,so why not try this also (if God created us then he can fix us)just consider the possibility that it could work and see where it goes from there,also don't forget about researching the symptoms and causes of dehydration.and the person who owes me $5 ,i want it back, you know who you are..i don't know who you are but you know lol hahahaha.God bless you all and have a nice productive day.i also ask for all the christians on here to pray for wisdom for us all, that what we have gained as knowledge God helps us to be able to apply and see it works for our benefit and others,without wisdom knowledge may be useless.