your response to cargo is a little extreme. Getting rid of candida is more complicated than being very alkaline. Ive already tried the extreme alkaline diet and did nothing for my candida. If anything it made me more constipated and tired. Candida is so adaptive that it adjusts to ph levels. If curing candida was as simple as being very alkaline you would hear of a lot more people being cured. Our friendly bacteria produces a combination of many acids (lactic,propionic,acetic.butyric, acids) that keep candida in check and keep it from spreading. Flora does not produce any type of alkalizing substance. Most of what the body produces to ward of fungus and bad bacteria is acidic in content. For example, the body produces excess amount of hydrochloric "acid" when we eat bad bacteria from food. Its the acid that helps to kill the bacteria and flush it out of the body. I wish curing candida was as simple as being very alkaline.. I would of been cured a long time ago.