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Re: Scared to start
  Views: 1,513
Published: 14 y
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Re: Scared to start

That argument is a bit ridiculous considering they don't give you chemo unless you are DYING FROM CANCER! Like the post above says, it's purely a risk vs benefit equation.

MMS has been around 14 years, during that time there have been NO verified or confirmed cases of it curing ANY serious or chronic illness. Think about it for a while. There are 500 MILLION users on youtube, try to find some positive Miracle-Mineral-Supplement testimonials from USERS, not Miracle-Mineral-Supplement promoters. Someone who claims Miracle-Mineral-Supplement CURED them of an actual diagnosed disease, not just says "it made me feel better", that's just placebo effect in action.

Even here on curezone there is a serious lack of anyone actually cured of anything, the majority of the testimonials you'll see are from people who had non specific, self diagnosed conditions, which are a very poor indicator of the efficacy of a treatment. Again, probably mostly placebo effect.

Google my website MMS DEBUNKED for some more info.



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