Re: SOY: West Price Foundation Tragedy and Hype:
and I really cannot understand a person Yelling so loud about how wonderful soy is when they are against Geneitcally Modified foods... Which Soy is..
Yep, exaggeration. Not all soy is GMO to begin with. And why not bash other GMO foods? All I see you post are links to anti-soy propaganda sites with misleading and false information that has already been debunked over and over.
My husband and I are in our mid-to late 60's and we have over come so many things, for my husband, that the doctors did not think we could take care of our selves.. but we got wise and stopped all the chemicals that were in food and medication. My husband is Vet. and only has 30% of his lungs and we took him off all their chemicals.. and he only uses Himalayan Sea Salt inhalers..
Talk about toxins! Have you ever looked in to all the toxic elements in Himalayan sea salt?:
In fact, if you told me your diet I will bet I could find all sorts of compounds that are considered toxic. I did this for another soy basher here on Curezone and showed how many of the same compounds he claimed were toxic in soy were in his diet as well as many other "toxins". It was a great example of how some people wear blinders when they have an agenda against one product due to reading propaganda sites, but refuse to see the truth overall in their own diet.
They say Soy is Natural.. but how can they when it is Raised and made with so many chemicals.
ALL plants require chemicals to grow. Even water and carbon dioxide are chemicals!!!
It is a mind set. They make it so EASY for TIRED people to consume these chemicals that are so bad for all of us. And the more they comsume the more tired they get.. and sicker.
Well the "mind" part is right. How many people are developing psychosomatic illnesses because they buy in to the anti-soy propaganda? The mind is a powerful thing and very prone to suggestion. Then there is the stress they develop from worrying about soy after reading all the myths about soy. They could do themselves such a favor by simply looking up the real facts from proper research and using a little common sense rather than relying on propaganda sites for their "facts".