Symptoms I experience with fecal body odour!!!
Hey all,
Surfer27 here. Just wanted to post this message, to describe my fecal body odour symptoms more in depth! Okay during the winter, I notice that I experience and go through what's called Anal Leakage or it certainly feels that way, even when it's -20 Celcius in the winter! During the summer, my problem is definetly worse by the heat, which causes me to sweat even more so. I've noticed that, when I do any kind of activity whether it be walking or even doing a small odd job for my buddy, that when I start to sweat down there, it goes from a fecal body odour to a manure type body odour!! This manure type body odour I personally believe, is caused by the sweat in that region mixed in with my fbo!!! I've noticed in the past, that if I have too many fruits of any kind that it causes explosive diaherria, which will lead to a heightened kinda fbo issue for me, similar to me working on a job for my buddy!! I've noticed, that drinking coffee in the past, has been a no no for me! It will increase the smell of my fecal body odour 10 fold!!! Eating breads high in yeast and anything sugary will cause problems for me!! It won't intensify the fecal body odour, but will defintely give me very bad gas!! Umm, in the past drinking anything such as Coca Cola has changed my fecal body odour to a diaper type body odour!! Milk or anything dairy will increase my stomach issues because of bloating, gas, etc, etc. It will also affect the FBO issues, because of the sugars found in the milk, so dairy's outta the question for me!! Other than that, that's about all the things, I've noticed in the past and has been a good remimder to me now in the future about what not to take, eat or drink!!!! I hope this has been informative and that it'll help line up some of our sypmtoms!!! Take care and God bless.
In Christ,