Hi All, anyone had success with the saline wash for fbo?
Hi all,
Surfer27 here. Just wanted to follow up with everyone, to find out if their success with the Nasal Saline Wash with Grapefruit Seed Extract is still helping get rid of their fecal body odour issues? I had a couple questions in regards to that, one being, if people like us are taking a nasal saline solution with
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and are getting cured, could it be that those people never really had fbo issues before? I have to ask this, because I wanna break down the difference between people who have fbo issues because they do and 1's who have it due to anxiety!! I'm not ruling out anyone by saying this, but just wanna get a deeper picture of actual percentages of people who really have this and not because of anxiety issues, is all I'm saying. I believe for alot of us, that this will be fixed, I don't know when, but I believe we will get cured at somepoint!! I know for me, my fecal body odour has somewhat dimished from a 10 down to a 7, from changes in my diet such as eating collard greens, kale, spinach, armaranth and other anti candida foods, however I still have this odour despite the diet, so I need as much feedback from people as possible, about why they thought the Saline solution with
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract helped them!!! I'm asking because this will be 1 of the next steps for me to take, in trying to overcome this fecal body odour situation, so please give me as much feedback as possible:) Thanks guys and please keep me updated on our progress against this fight against fecal body odour!! Take care all and keep me posted:) Later gang and stay strong!!! bye.