Re: do your stool tests! amoeba parasites
there is an amoeba titre blood test that you can order
this is an article on amoeba infections and symptoms from good source
I am still wheezing from this respiratory infection for 3 weeks now and my inhalers, dulera and advair don't stop the wheezing
I feel my circulation is better now on flagyl and prednisone- my legs were numb. it's as if the amoeba were stopping my circulation somehow
I'm getting better urination also and the blood in my urine that I had for months on tests is gone
I had this rash all over my abdomen and stomach and fatigue, memory problems, nausea/vomiting
they prescribed me 10 days flagyl but I don't know if it's enough- I had high IGE blood test about 165
what are some better drugs than flagyl? I think I had a UTI or bladder infection that was cured by flagyl
gives paramomycin as a better amoeba treatment than flagyl but this article gives para as a noninvasive and flagyl as the invasive treatment