Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick update. I broke my fast today at around 3pm with some organic watermelon. MMmmMmmm it was SO good. I purchased some fruits from the health food store by my house. Everything was freshly cut up and put in those little containers and sold by weight. So I took that then went by a very nice scenic area with the beautiful Fall leaves and the water, very gorgeous area. It was such a beautiful perfect day with the sun shining!! I enjoyed every little bit of that watermelon. I had a nice serving of that and later on I had a little bit of fresh cut kiwi and cantelope. I know it seems like a bit much well I should've juiced but I wasn't home all day and I wasn't sure if I was going to be breaking my fast today. So it just kind of happened I decided while I was out and I feel great. I still have a coated tongue and that ugh taste in my mouth. I'll be back later to add onto this message and update with how I'm feeling.