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A Patients Point Of View
ReachForTheStars Views: 821
Published: 14 y

A Patients Point Of View

A patients point of view about our countries greatest social problem: ITSELF
If we were to legalize medical cannabis the following horrible things would happen.

Our dying, debilitated, and deserving would get what they need to live and die with dignity.
The social stigma would disappear and this Gramma could finally visit her mother, children and grandchildren who are all families supported by the US government.
My friends taking opiates and feeling “out of it” all the time could reduce their medication and enjoy life more fully because their brain could compute again.
My alcoholic friends could get sober or at least reduce their consumption and they may be less likely to kill someone driving their car to a bar.
Not as many children would be born with birth defects as a result of the side effects of prescription drugs.
There would be an immediate rise in employment and benefits, including unions needed by countless people right now.
The number of people dying from overdoses would immediately decrease.
Rescheduling Cannabis will definitely affect the pocket books of pharmaceutical companies that are not researching cannabis and its amazing and proven benefits for
many disorders that there is not currently adequate medication.
Medicare and Medicaid would save too much money. I can document that with my pharmacy and physicians.
Too many people would not end up in jail for violent crimes.
When teenagers are determined to steal their parent’s medicine the result would be they would get lazy instead of requiring a trip to the ER for an overdose or possible death.
Our states would no longer have to be bankrupt, if handled correctly.
People might get happier and have more fulfilling and helpful lives if they got help with disorders most medicine does not adequately treat without appalling side effects.
Our current veterans could get much more help with their mental and physical problems.
Our prior veterans would stop being arrested for marijuana charges.
We could reduce the over populated prison by thousands by releasing marijuana possession case inmates.
My brain injured friends and I might mellow out and get control over our anger, rage, and disappointment of living with brain injury.

Debbie Wilson
A 2 x brain injury survivor with uncontrolled cervical pain and seizures, that has lost her teeth, gall bladder, and colon to side effects of medication that did not control seizures, head aches, neck pain, or chronic wasting. All of these disorders are now controlled with medical cannabis with high cannabidiol (CBD).



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