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The Evils of Vitamin D
>>32 and I am only at 17
The agents for the Medical Mafia only count a building block for Vitamin D. We generally call it unconverted D.
Their theory is that by adding more of a toxic immune suppressive building block they can heal you.
I have typed my fingers bloody trying to tell the sheople that unconverted D is toxic and therefore should not be supplemented. There may be many reasons for having low blood levels of unconverted D, all seem to be ignored.
Molecular imaging has been done to prove the difference yet the shills are blind and the ringers type fast..
The fact that the human body keeps some important elements in tiny amounts in toxic form on hand seems to be totally lost on them. Long term studies showing high levels of unconverted D making cancer and all they tend to advertise worse in the long term are forgotten about 5 minutes after they have been published.
The fact that while living on the Indian sub-continent unconverted D levels are very low doesn't seem to make them want to evaluate why everyone seems to need more toxic D.
..more for those that can hear: