Re: 5 months SSKI...
Right... Are you also prone to any allergies, like hives, etc.? cos I am! I also have some red in my hair, which probably means elevated copper. Therefore, am looking into copper chelation. From what I have found on different forums here, it's all about proper methylation in the liver and disruptions in the phase 2 of liver natural detox.
So far molybdenum is probably the best copper chelator in high dosages. I've ordered a bottle of liquid molyb (for higher dosages). Going to try that.
Right now, I am taking megadosages of MSM, as it's another copper chelator(up to 20+ gr powder a day) and it really helps with the phase 2 and skin problems (i.e. my skin is getting better,
Acne are subsiding)... But I have to take megadosages to see any results. I had tried MSM before in tabs, didn't work at all... But I was taking it for joints health.